It's the year 20XX, and everything is still stupid.Cyber Café is an old-timey audio sitcom of the future, written by Abby Denton, starring Ken Cosby, "Hollywood" Steve Huey, Alexandrea Ortiz, and Abby Denton. This episode guest-stars Kevin Koeser and the mysterious H. Hooks. Our music was provided by the wonderful Sta... more
It's the year 20XX, and everything still sucks.Voices by Ken Cosby, "Hollywood" Steve Huey, Abby Denton, Alexandrea Ortiz, Reed Bryce, and Vanessa Renee.Written, produced, and edited by Abby Denton. Directed by Michael Chau. Music by Star Salzman.
Merry Christmas! In honor of the mighty Snatter, here are 10 minutes from our recording session for Cyber Café Episode 3 - dropping soon! - where "Hollywood" Steve Huey revealed his COMPLETE INABILITY to say "It's time to d-d-d-d d-d-d-d-d-d-duel!" like Yami Yugi in the classic anime Yu-Gi-Oh!.Don't listen to this. It... more
In this special bonus episode we get a double feature - a Cyber Cafe story and a special never-before-seen-online short from a Christmas show a year ago. Enjoy.Episode 3 drops January 1. For more updates, follow Abby Denton on Twitter.Our star cast this time included Ken Cosby, "Hollywood" Steve Huey, Alexandrea Orti... more
It's the year 20XX, and everything still sucks.Featuring the voices of @AlexandreaOrtiz, @Hollywoodsteveh, @KenCosby. Directed by @MrMattJay. Written and produced by @MizabithaMusic by @SSalzgear.
This is the pilot for a sitcom we hope to make 6 episodes of. The Indiegogo page to help us do that is's the year 20XX, and everything still sucks.