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Language, Culture and Perceptions of Our Worlds: Towards an awareness of being more human(e).

Language, Culture and Perceptions of Our Worlds: Towards an awareness of being more human(e).

Released Tuesday, 21st January 2025
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Language, Culture and Perceptions of Our Worlds: Towards an awareness of being more human(e).

Language, Culture and Perceptions of Our Worlds: Towards an awareness of being more human(e).

Language, Culture and Perceptions of Our Worlds: Towards an awareness of being more human(e).

Language, Culture and Perceptions of Our Worlds: Towards an awareness of being more human(e).

Tuesday, 21st January 2025
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Topics: Education, Language ideologies, Linguicism, Critical Pedagogy

Title : Language, Culture and Perceptions of our Worlds: Towards an awareness of being more human(e).

Participants: Kate Alice Garnett,

Publish Date: 1/20/2025

Homepage : http://www.dreport.org

Also available on:

Apple Podcasts, RadioPublic, Spotify, Soundclound

Conversation Topics:

• Key words: linguicism, critical language awareness, Humane education and critical pedagogy

• What is the role of language in planetary justice?

• What is the relationship between language and culture?

• How does language frame culture?

• What is our understanding of culture?

• How do we define language?

• What is the relationship between language and the perception of the world?

• How does language shape the way we recall information?

• Do multi-lingual people have access to different worldviews?

• How many languages have we tried to learn?

• Do we enter a different cultural domain when we learn a different language?

• How does language serve as library?

• Does language serve as a carrier to different perspectives of how the world operates?

• How does the school space become the place to enforce dominant language ideologies?

• How do language instruction programs either misunderstand or choose not to understand the crucial relationship between language use and culture?

• How does language supremacy express itself among well intention educators?

• What is the relationship between global economic needs and mono-lingual instruction programs?

• What is critical language awareness?

• How do educators examine and reflect on the purpose in reproducing English to the detriment of other languages?

• How does studying language help us understand society in general?

• What tools can educators use to improve their practice by becoming more critically aware of the politics of language and reveal the intersection of power oppression and culture?

• How do we use a self-reflection journal as tool to examine language use and teaching practices?

• How do we make language a tool of equal empowerment?

• Language is “big;”- a dense and powerful element of our humanity.

• What is the history of elimination of languages through a preference system that converts a few languages into dominant languages?

• How to you minoritize communities through purposefully severing people from their languages?

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