Topics: Education, Language ideologies, Linguicism, Critical PedagogyTitle : Language, Culture and Perceptions of our worlds: Towards an awareness of being more human(e).Participants: Kate Alice Garnett, Publish Date: 1/20/2025Homepage : http://www.dreport.orgAlso available on:Apple Podcasts, RadioPublic, Spotify... more
Topics: Education, Language ideologies, Linguicism, Critical PedagogyTitle : Language, Culture and Perceptions of our Worlds: Towards an awareness of being more human(e).Participants: Kate Alice Garnett, Publish Date: 1/20/2025Homepage : http://www.dreport.orgAlso available on:Apple Podcasts, RadioPublic, Spotify... more
Topics: Film, Writing, Representation, Story telling Title : The Stars Aligned: A conversation with writer of KoreanAmerican Witches SocietyParticipants: Jennifer Kim, Writer, Film maker, Journalist and former TeacherPublish Date: 06/08/2024Homepage : http://www.dreport.orgAlso available on:Apple Podcasts,... more
Topics: AI, InteligenciaArtificial, Antropología, Humanidad, Sociedad Title : Inteligencia Artificial: Sera o no será humanaParticipants: Adolfo Reyes VelázquezPublish Date: 03/29/2024Homepage : http://www.dreport.orgAlso available on:Apple Podcasts, RadioPublic, Spotify, SoundcloundConversation Topics:¿... more
Topics: Education, Teaching , Gender Social Construct , EarlyChildhood EducationTitle : Learning to teach about gender social constructs: Aconversation in early childhood educationParticipants: Cathi Miller, Educatorand ResearcherPublish Date: 12/ 27/2023Homepage : http://www.dreport.orgAlso available on:A... more
Topics: Education, Teaching, Artificial General Intelligence, AI, ChatGPT, Philosophy, AnthropologyTitle : AI and Education: Wisdom to question the natureof education Participants: Tony KashaniPh.D., Educator, Author, PhilosopherPublish Date: 09/ 13/2023Homepage : http://www.dreport.orgQuote:... more
Topic: Immigration Detention Centers, Segment: Ending Immigration Detention Centers: Until all of us free none of us are free. Participants: Hilda Cruz, Interfaith Movement for Human Integrity Reverend Jeffery Ryan , The Riverside Center for Spiritual Living Broadcast Air Date: 11/15/1... more
Topics: Hopi & Dine , Semiconductor design, STEM, Indigenous women in the semiconductor and computer scienceTitle : Dine & Hopi Women: Semiconductor WeaversParticipants: Vanesha Honani and Nicholas RajenPublish Date: 09/07/2022Homepage : http://www.dreport.orgAlso available on:Apple Podcasts, RadioPublic, Spot... more
Topics: Indigenous Activisms, Mesoamerica, Environmentalism, Land rightsTitle : Alianza Mesoamericana: Voces Indígenas en Defensa de bosques y Pueblos/ MesoAmerican Aliance: Indigenous Voices in Defense of Forests and People ( Spanish and English audio)Participants: Levi Sucre, Coordinador de Alianza M... more
Topics: College Attendance, UC Berkeley, First Generation College Students, COVID and CollegeTitle : College and Community During COVID (a year later).Participants: Zion Rodriguez AcevesPublish Date: 10/14/2021Homepage : http://www.dreport.orgAlso available on:Apple Podcasts, RadioPublic, Spotify, Soundcloun... more
Topic: Identification Labels, Race DeconstructionParticipants: Daisy Ocampo, PhD, HistorianSegment: D ReportBroadcast Air Date: 10/11/2013Time: 5:15 PM (PST)KUCR station page: http://www.kucr.orgArchive page: PointsWhat happens when labels do not fit?W... more
Topics: Sara Omi, Embera, eco-pedagogy, environmental activism, Coordinadora de Mujeres Líderes Territoriales de MesoaméricaTitle : Conversación con Sara Omi: Mujeres indígenas y activismo ambiental de MesoaméricaParticipants: Sara Omi, Coordinadora de Mujeres Líderes Territoriales de MesoaméricaPublish Dat... more
Topics: Race, Critical Race Theory, Law, Anthropology, HistoryTitle : Critical Race Theory: Untangling the red-baiting from sincere questions and directionsParticipants: Elliott Kim, Public Historian, Educator, WriterPublish Date: 08/06/21Homepage : http://www.dreport.orgAlso available on:iTunes, RadioPubl... more
Topics: Gender, Stereotypes, Femininity, MasculinityTitle : Questions of Gender: A conversation para los 2020’sParticipants: Gabriel Rodriguez and Angella MontanoPublish Date: 07/16/21Homepage : http://www.dreport.orgAlso available on:iTunes, RadioPublic, Spotify, SoundcloundSend comments about this seg... more
Topics: La Escuela de la Raza Unida, Education, Chicana Movement, Freedom Community SchoolTitle – La Escuela de La Raza Unida: A classroom at the Shade of Every TreeParticipants: Alfredo Acosta Figueroa , Angelica Figueroa RodriguezPublish Date: 06/22/2021Homepage : http://www.dreport.orgAlso available on:... more
Topics: Yaqui Resistance, Fidencio Aldama, Gas pipeline construction, Loma de BacumTitle: A Conversation: Fidencio Aldama, Yaqui Resistance and a Multi-National Gas PipelineParticipants: Scott, Member of Fidencio Aldama Support GroupPublish Date: 05/23/2021Homepage : http://www.dreport.orgAlso available on:... more
Topics: Graduation, College, COVID-19, Family, CommunityTitle: A Second Round of COVID-19 Graduations: Celebrating Through Uncertainty and Recognizing AchievementsParticipants: Precious FasakinPublish Date: 05/17/2021Homepage : http://www.dreport.orgAlso available on:AnchorFM, iTunes, RadioPublic, Spotify, ... more
Topics: School, Immigration, Foreign Adjustment Program, High School, Los Angles 1950’sTitle: “Foreign Adjustment Program”- A conversation on going to school in Los Angeles in the 1950’sParticipants: Francisco GonzalezPublish Date: 04/14/2021Homepage : http://www.dreport.orgAlso available on:AnchorFM, iTunes,... more
Topics: Asian Hate, Racism, History, Anthropology, CommunityTitle: Stop Asian Hate: Building Solidarity CommunitiesParticipants: Elliot Kim -Historian, Educator, Community Organizer, Actor and WriterPublish Date: 04/05/2021Homepage : http://www.dreport.orgAlso available on:AnchorFM, iTunes, RadioPublic, Spo... more
Topics: Perceptions of community. Social, political and economic safety during COVID-19Title: Speaking of Care: When in Community, We All CountParticipants: Blue AndradePublish Date: 02 /20/2021Homepage : http://www.dreport.orgAlso available on:AnchorFM, iTunes, RadioPublic, Spotify, SoundcloundSend comment... more
Topics: Music, Culture, Community-BuildingTitle: Music, Culture and Community in the Time of COVIDParticipants: Eduardo Valencia, Musician and Music EducatorPublish Date: 02 /04/2021Homepage : http://www.dreport.orgAlso available on:AnchorFM, iTunes, RadioPublic, Spotify, SoundcloundSend comments about t... more