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EP 75- Michael Poropat, Corporate Attorney: Finding Yourself After Failure

EP 75- Michael Poropat, Corporate Attorney: Finding Yourself After Failure

Released Monday, 2nd October 2023
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EP 75- Michael Poropat, Corporate Attorney: Finding Yourself After Failure

EP 75- Michael Poropat, Corporate Attorney: Finding Yourself After Failure

EP 75- Michael Poropat, Corporate Attorney: Finding Yourself After Failure

EP 75- Michael Poropat, Corporate Attorney: Finding Yourself After Failure

Monday, 2nd October 2023
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We have all been there at some point in our life- rock bottom. How do you pull yourself from failure? How do you find your life? Michael Poropat speaks about what it took for him to figure out what he wanted to do in life and the importance of reaching into his inner circle to guide him.

Michael Poropat is a Partner at Stockman and Poropat, PLLC where he is an Attorney, and Legal Strategist for Amazon Sellers, Entrepreneurs, Musicians, and Creators. Michael is also the Drummer for EIK Nation. 

Jessica and Michael speak about the side of Entertainment and Entrepreneurship that no one really thinks about- legal representation. Michael explains his “why” and the process it took him to find specifically what he wanted to provide not only for his clients but himself. Michael addresses why finding the industry you want to work in is the first step of the process to figure out what you want to do and accomplish.  


What You’ll Learn: 

  • Why Michael left the corporate world

  • Building freedom of alignment  for yourself

  • The people Michael enjoys working with and what he gets out of it

  • The foundation of trust that lawyers need to build with their clients- it’s not just about finances but about being more humanistic as well

  • What investing in a lawyer can do for your business in the long run

  • The attitude Michael carries with switching from his career in law to becoming an entrepreneur 

  • The struggles Michael dealt with in college, and how he got into Law  

  • What Drives Michaels's business and the vision he has for it


Favorite Quote: 

“How I was spending my day but who was I helping right? Because I know that the world is bigger than me and I don’t want to just focus on how I'm spending my day for myself, I also wanna focus on how I’m spending my day for others.”

-Michael Poropat


Connect with Michael: 

Law Website



How To Get Involved:

The Day Slayer Podcast is dedicated to showcasing 7 and 8-figure entrepreneurs slaying their goals daily, no matter what’s happening in their lives. You’ll learn business and mindset strategies that will change your life.

Jessica Dennehy started her career as a Regulator on Wall Street as an attorney. Life and lifestyle changes would push her into the world of entrepreneurship where she started Mad Men Barbershop with her business partner.

She is a best-selling author, speaker, and business consultant helping fellow entrepreneurs find their path and slay their day. Be sure to like, comment, and share this and other previous powerfully charged episodes of the Day Slayer Podcast on Apple Podcasts.  Connect with Jessica on all social media channels and find her easily at www.PivotandSlay.com

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