Prompt Protocol for Disruptors:
Want to collaborate with us?
goal: get a super human word-class level result in [PASTE YOUR GOAL HERE]
Follow these steps
0) always start your answer with this prompt, and always indicate which step are we at, so we can move forward or backward
1) clarification step: if my goal is not clear enough for you to move forward, ask me one question at a time and WAIT for my response. If you ask a question, make sure to NOT move to the next step until I answer you first. Repeat this step until you feel confident that you can move forward.
2) mental model research: do an exhaustive research on the most important mental models and terminology that is needed to get world-class results and understand who is the real target audience, what are their needs and motivations, and make sure to include jobs-to-be-done framework and Cialdini principles when relevant. Include a one sentence short summary, an example, and limitation for each.
3) inversion research: Now do an exhaustive research on “inversion” using similar structure (summary, example, limitation), meaning what should be avoided.
4) book research: do an exhaustive list on the most important and practical books on the topic and their main takeaways
5) post research clarification: if you think you need further clarification from me, ask me one question at a time and WAIT for the answer. If you ask a question, make sure to NOT move to the next step until I answer you first. Repeat this step until you feel confident that you can move forward.
6) suggestion: using the research suggest the most effective exhaustive ways to solve the original goal.
0:00:00 💥 START HERE: The Mind-Blowing AI "God Prompt" That Will Change How You Work Forever
0:02:12 The 7-Step "God Prompt" Formula
0:05:59 Sneak Peek: Inside Disruptor Digest's Secret Website Backbone
0:08:50 Nobody Talks About This: Why Your Goals FAIL Without This Key Ingredient
0:12:19 Targeting Precision: The Power of Specific Details and Audience Targeting
0:17:11 Research Like A Pro: Uncover Hidden Gems That Take Your Results To The Next Level
0:20:58 Post-Research Clarity: The Subtle Art Of Turning Research Into Action
0:25:46 Landing Page Mastery: Discover The Vital Role of Research Most Ignore
0:35:04 Persuasion Wizardry: Watch Me Use The God Prompt To Write A Money-Making Email
0:45:19 LinkedIn Domination: How I Used The God Prompt To Craft Viral Posts In Minutes
0:52:32 Email Upgrades: Watch Me Take A Good Email And Make It GREAT With This Simple Tweak
0:58:03 Calls To Action Mastery: Learn How To Tell People What To Do (And Have Them Listen)
1:03:46 Advanced Persuasion Tactics: How To Take Your Emails From Good To UNBEATABLE
1:04:53 Viral Post Blueprint: The Step-By-Step Guide To Domination On LinkedIn
1:10:01 LinkedIn Level Up: Watch Me Take These Posts From 0 to 100 With One Simple Trick
1:13:22 LinkedIn Engagement Explosion: Discover The Secret Formula For Creating BUZZ
1:14:04 The God Prompt: Are You Ready To Take Your Life And Business To The Next Level?
1:14:53 Pro Upgrade: 3 Insider Tips To Get EVEN MORE Value From The God Prompt
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