We have a very special and magical guest for today, @ruthielindsey. Ruthie Lindsey is a speaker, author, podcast host, and social media figure. She travels the globe sharing her story, empowering others to find purpose in their pain and to look for beauty in the midst of their sacred wounds.
At a young age Ruthie was in a life-changing accident and after years of living in bed with chronic pain, she was able to befriend her pain and now teaches others how to do the same. In this episode Ruthie shares her remarkable journey with us and awes us with her resilience and all she has learned from pain.
We also discuss:
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Check Out Ruthie:
- Ruthie's Substack
- Ruthie's IG: @ruthielindsey
- Ruthie's Website
Check Out Leslie and Marissa:- Diving In Instagram: @divinginpod
- Diving In Website: Diving In - A Podcast- Leslie’s Instagram: @lesliemosier- Marissa’s Instagram: @marissamullen- That Cheese Plate: @thatcheeseplate- Doug The Pug: @itsdougthepug
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