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Doctor of the Dead


Doctor of the Dead

A weekly TV and Film podcast featuring Arnold Blumberg

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Doctor of the Dead


Doctor of the Dead

Doctor of the Dead


Doctor of the Dead

A weekly TV and Film podcast featuring Arnold Blumberg
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Dec 1st, 2019
Natalie and Arnold wrap up a trilogy of transgressive terrors with the final (for now) installment in the Herbert West saga, BEYOND RE-ANIMATOR! Reunite once again with West (Jeffrey Combs), meet his new over-eager assistant, and wonder aloud how many of the remaining Spanish cast were on break from making adult films....


Oct 22nd, 2019
Natalie and Arnold head down to the embalming room for the second film in the Herbert West trilogy, BRIDE OF RE-ANIMATOR! Reunite with West (Jeffrey Combs) and Dan Cain (Bruce Abbott), and meet a bunch of dumb new characters that make all the wrong choices in life and death. It's time once again for reagent, raging zom...


Oct 1st, 2019
Natalie and Arnold launch into another horror series retrospective just in time for the best month of the year! In this episode, they kick off a three-part look at the RE-ANIMATOR films with the legendary original from 1985. Find out why Arnold believes Herbert West (Jeffrey Combs) is like Michael Corleone, why Natalie...


Sep 17th, 2019
It took six months - life and work got in the way - but Natalie and Arnold are back to finally wrap up their retrospective of one of the most successful slasher film franchises of all time with their look at SCREAM 4, the 2011 return that also sadly became Wes Craven's final directorial effort. What was great about the...


Mar 12th, 2019
Natalie and Arnold upgrade their mic and present an epic conversation about SCREAM 3! What was great about this third film? What wasn't so great? Who could have died from the "Big Three?" And will Natalie ever truly get over Randy's death in SCREAM 2? (The answer to that last one is "NEVER.")Also: Get in touch via e-...


Feb 8th, 2019
Natalie and Arnold return after a long break (not as long as some, but still...never mind) to resume their SCREAM retrospective with a discussion about the 1997 sequel, SCREAM 2! Is it worthy of the original? And what does Natalie have to say in particular about Randy's role in the first follow-up? Find out here!What...


Oct 30th, 2018
Now that the big HALLOWEEN rewatch is over, it's time to jump forward to that slasher series' spiritual successor. This episode, Arnold and Natalie kick off a four-film retrospective as they revisit the '90s phenom, SCREAM! What's your favorite scary podcast? It better be DOCTOR OF THE DEAD!Show Music: "Rage" (feat. ...


Oct 22nd, 2018
It's time! Arnold and Natalie head to the movie theater on opening day to see the 40th anniversary installment in the Laurie Strode/Michael Myers saga, HALLOWEEN (2018)! From nostalgic callbacks to thematic layering, they break it all down and examine whether or not this new sequel lives up to all the hype and pays tri...


Oct 14th, 2018
Arnold and Natalie end their massive series rewatch of the HALLOWEEN movies! In this episode, they talk about the series' second timeline, with Laurie Strode returning for HALLOWEEN H20 and a bit of HALLOWEEN: RESURRECTION. The project ends abruptly, and they jump instead to Shudder for a look at the meta-slasher RUIN ...


Oct 9th, 2018
Arnold and Natalie continue their massive series rewatch of the HALLOWEEN movies! In this episode, they talk about the end of the line for the Jamie Lloyd timeline, HALLOWEEN 5 and the Producer's Cut of HALLOWEEN 6. Ugh, rough going there. Then they throw in a little slasher called BLOOD RAGE! It's time for terrible Th...


Oct 3rd, 2018
Arnold and Natalie continue their massive series rewatch of the HALLOWEEN movies! In this episode, they talk about the once-maligned, now beloved non-Myers installment, 1982's HALLOWEEN III: SEASON OF THE WITCH; the "Return of Michael Myers" in 1988's HALLOWEEN 4; and FLIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD in a nod to the podcast's...


Sep 25th, 2018
Arnold and Natalie begin a massive series rewatch of the HALLOWEEN movies! In this episode, they talk about the original HALLOWEEN (1978); the first sequel in 1981, HALLOWEEN II; and a more modern horror favorite, IT FOLLOWS (2014), that shares substantial DNA with John Carpenter's landmark classic. Arnold also catches...


Sep 17th, 2018
Arnold and Natalie continue their Halloween shopping at Halloween City, Home Depot, and Target, then talk about Arnold's upcoming appearance and book launch at Monster-Mania 41, as well as his recent interview with KPBS. Next up, Natalie shares her thoughts on A QUIET PLACE in connection to the upcoming film adaptation...


Sep 9th, 2018
Arnold and Natalie are off to Pennsylvania for the Doctor of the Dead's birthday, and chat about more Halloween shopping as well as three films: The Italian zombie "classic," HELL OF THE LIVING DEAD (1980); the recent Netflix documentary, HAUNTERS: THE ART OF THE SCARE (2017); and MATILDA (1996)! It's Sweet Death and m...


Sep 3rd, 2018
Arnold and Natalie are back! They talk about the making of Arnold's new massive tome on zombie cinema, JOURNEY OF THE LIVING DEAD, which kept them away from the podcast for most of 2018, then dive back in with a chat about early Halloween shopping and three films: ZOMBI 3 (1988), HOCUS POCUS (1993), and THE HAUNTED PAL...


Jan 16th, 2018
Arnold and Natalie finally get around to RESIDENT EVIL: THE FINAL CHAPTER and tear into that film and its five predecessors like a pack of rabid T-Virus zombies seeking the soft flesh and viscera of the living. Following their rapidly-edited, shaky-cam takedown of that film franchise, they explain why they won't be wat...


Dec 25th, 2017
Arnold and Natalie see out 2017 with a look at the final five episodes of Z NATION Season 4 (as well as an important shout-out to the strange shift in the show's social media presence), and then sit through a marathon of Xmas-themed horror movies as well as something Arnold defines as the "Second Coming of Horror!" Hap...


Dec 14th, 2017
100! This epic-length landmark episode provides the list that YOU and many other listeners demanded! Listen as Arnold and Natalie take on the Herculean task of talking about 100 zombie movies you need to see, covering the entire history of the genre with sections covering everything from all-out gorefests to Voodoo-the...


Nov 21st, 2017
Arnold and Natalie catch up with the Z NATION team and talk about two episodes of the show's fourth season, "Warren's Wedding" and "Crisis of Faith." But after some time spent with Zuggalos and zombie nuns, things get really weird as they wander into the otherworldly town of... SILENT HILL (2006)! The air raid siren is...


Nov 8th, 2017
Arnold and Natalie truly believe that love conquers all...even death! For proof, look no further than the brilliant WARM BODIES (2013), which they discuss in depth at the end of this episode. But first they get "Back From the Undead" with the Z NATION team as tragedy looms for Lucy, and then it's time for a quick stop ...


Oct 30th, 2017
Arnold and Natalie find that there are worse things than a "Fear of the Unknown," at least when the Z NATION team find themselves trapped in a bunch of boxes with no explanation as to why. But while the mystery of the latest episode is cause for concern, there's still time to lavish praise on two horror comedies that c...


Oct 22nd, 2017
Arnold and Natalie pay tribute to the passing of exploitation film maker Umberto Lenzi, whose contributions to the zombie genre included the unforgettable NIGHTMARE CITY (and yes it's a zombie movie no matter what Lenzi said!). Meanwhile, on Z NATION, Keith "The Murphy" Allan himself directs the latest episode as Warre...


Oct 18th, 2017
We take a break from our usual format to feature a special bonus episode this week, as Arnold chats with Bill Corbett of RiffTrax fame to discuss the upcoming (10/25/17) one-day-only movie theater return of RIFFTRAX LIVE: NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD! Arnold and Bill discuss the classic film, the riffs (including just how ...


Oct 15th, 2017
Arnold and Natalie contemplate "The Vanishing" on the latest Z NATION. But as most of our team reunites to figure out where the other members of the camp disappeared to, there's another threat to consider: A little something called "Mad Zs!" Meanwhile, the October zombiethon continues with a pair of movies that share a...


Oct 9th, 2017
Arnold and Natalie "Escape From Zona" along with Warren and Murphy on the latest Z NATION...but do they really want to? And as we all settle into October - the best month of the year - it's time to revisit some modern zombie movies: ZOMBIELAND (2009) and COOTIES (2014)! Time to nut up or shut up on the latest packed ep...


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