Supernatural Elements.
The Next Generation introduces several individuals, including some"re-shaping" of our own favorite characters, who are seen assupernatural characters. This can mean that they are eitherall-powerful, mysterious, tricksters, or "flim-flams." Darren,Daniel, and Phillip create their own originally named "Q Continuum"of supernatural beings, from the scary "Kevin" ("The Survivors") onone end to Ardra ("Devil's Due") on the other.
Supernatural characters can be shrouded in the cloak of religiousworship like the Edo Guardian ("Justice") and "The Picard" ("WhoWatches the Watchers?") or they could be just a different scale oflifeform like Nagilum ("Where Silence Has Lease") and Q. Join EarlGrey as they seek out new lifeforms who go beyond the realm ofhuman beings and explore supernatural beings in Next Gen.
Daniel Proulx, Phillip Gilfus, & Darren Moser
Editor / Producer
Darren Moser
Executive Producers
Norman C. Lao, Matthew Rushing, & C Bryan Jones
Production ManagerRichard MarquezContent Manager
Will Nguyen
Justice - Edo God (00:03:42)Devils Due - Audra / Fek'lhr (00:12:05)Who Watches the Watchers - The Picard (00:20:51)Encounter at Farpoint - Q (00:25:18)Where Silence Has Lease - Nagilum (00:37:19)Honorable Mentions (00:41:34)
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