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Eclectic Full Contact Theatre's Throwing Shade

Andrew Pond

Eclectic Full Contact Theatre's Throwing Shade

A weekly Arts, Performing Arts and Comedy podcast

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Eclectic Full Contact Theatre's Throwing Shade

Andrew Pond

Eclectic Full Contact Theatre's Throwing Shade

Eclectic Full Contact Theatre's Throwing Shade

Andrew Pond

Eclectic Full Contact Theatre's Throwing Shade

A weekly Arts, Performing Arts and Comedy podcast
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Episodes of Eclectic Full Contact Theatre's Throwing Shade

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Jan 23rd, 2024
A mysterious benefactor for the union thickens the plot, but the biggest twist ever happens when The Vamp walks out on The Shade! Is this the end for our dyspeptic duo?Written By: Andrew Pond with Zach OstermanDirected by: Andrew PondStarring: Chloe Adamo^, Jessica Lauren Fisher*, Daniel Houle*, Noelle Klyce, Zach Oste...
Jan 16th, 2024
The National Union of Tourism Specialists (NUTS) us on strike, bringing Chicago tourism to a standstill at the exact same time as a crime wave starts up. Is there a connection? Will the Shade and the Vamp find out who is responsible, given the Vamp's growing dissatisfaction with The Shade?Written By: Andrew Pond with Z...
Jan 9th, 2024
The Great Chase down Route 66 continues, and Misty and Kitty discover it's harder to return to their roots than they thought. But will the Shade and the Vamp vatch up with thembefore they go too far? And will there be enough snacks?Written By: Andrew Pond with Zach OstermanDirected by: Andrew PondStarring: Chloe Adamo^...
Jan 2nd, 2024
Misty and Kitty are fed up with trying to outrun their past, so they embrace it instead and go on a crime spree--outside of Chicago! Can the Shade and the Vamp stop them....can they, in fact, survive...the country????Written By: Andrew Pond with Zach OstermanDirected by: Andrew PondStarring: Chloe Adamo^, Jessica Laure...
Dec 26th, 2023
A small peek into what happens when the recording goes about as well as one of Shade's plans...Support this podcast at — https://redcircle.com/eclectic-full-contact-theatres-throwing-shade/exclusive-content
Dec 19th, 2023
Are the Tallys behind the death of Enrico Gardetti? Can the Shade and the Vamp avoid a mob war? And where exactly did the body go?Written By: Andrew Pond with Zach OstermanDirected by: Andrew PondStarring: Chloe Adamo^, Jessica Lauren Fisher*, Daniel Houle*, Noelle Klyce, Zach Osterman^, Andrew Pond*, Rachael Proulx*, ...
Dec 12th, 2023
The Shade and the Vamp inviestigate the death of someone who looks just like Edward G. Robinson. IS it Edward G. Robinson? If not, who is it? And can our heroes uncover the truth before a gang war breaks out? Or Hollywood comes calling?Written By: Andrew Pond with Zach OstermanDirected by: Andrew PondStarring: Chloe Ad...
Dec 5th, 2023
The Shade and the Vamp get in deep...well...underground.....to discover the true nature of the threat to Chicago';s sewers. Is Chicago destined for the same fate as New York???Written By: Andrew Pond with Zach OstermanDirected by: Andrew PondStarring: Chloe Adamo^, Jessica Lauren Fisher*, Daniel Houle*, Noelle Klyce, ...
Nov 28th, 2023
The Shade and the Vamp investigate strange noises coming from people's pipes. Is it poor city planning, a terrifying monster, or something WORSE?Written By: Andrew Pond with Zach OstermanDirected by: Andrew PondStarring: Chloe Adamo^, Jessica Lauren Fisher*, Daniel Houle*, Noelle Klyce, Zach Osterman^, Andrew Pond*, Ra...
Nov 21st, 2023
The Shade searches for Dot while Dot searches for Theo. The Vamp discovers other fans of pockets, and everyone does their best to prove Shakespearean tropes are still funny....Written By: Andrew Pond with Zach OstermanDirected by: Andrew PondStarring: Chloe Adamo^, Jessica Lauren Fisher*, Daniel Houle*, Noelle Klyce, Z...
Nov 14th, 2023
Theo gets a new assignment at the paper--as Miss Lonelyhearts--there's mischief afoot in Joliet Women's prison, and the Narrator gets positively Shakespearean! What do these all have in common? You have to hear it to believe it!Written By: Andrew Pond with Zach OstermanDirected by: Andrew PondStarring: Chloe Adamo^, J...
Nov 7th, 2023
The Shade and the Vamp catch Misty and Kitty red-handed...or do they?Written By: Andrew Pond with Zach OstermanDirected by: Andrew PondStarring: Chloe Adamo^, Jessica Lauren Fisher*, Daniel Houle*, Noelle Klyce, Zach Osterman^, Andrew Pond*, Rachael Proulx*, Julian Serna*, and Monica SzaflikFoley: Lori Eyre*Engineer: D...
Oct 31st, 2023
It's the Season 4 premiere, and somehow it's 1938. Theo and Wednesday are on thin ice, employment-wise, and two old enemies return to Chicago....Written By: Andrew Pond with Zach OstermanDirected by: Andrew PondStarring: Chloe Adamo^, Jessica Lauren Fisher*, Daniel Houle*, Noelle Klyce, Zach Osterman^, Andrew Pond*, R...
Oct 24th, 2023
Just in time for Halloween, Throwing Shade digs up a lost episode! (see what we did there?) Thrill as the Shade and the Vamp face off against socialites, jewel thieves, and...VAMPIRES? The perfect way to get ready for the season 4 premiere!Written by: Lori and Richard EyreDirected by: Andrew PondStarring: Chloe Adamo^,...
Jun 11th, 2021
SHAME makes their play at the haberdasher's gala, their leader is revealed, and the popularity of a particular finger food is lauded far and wide. Written by: Kaeley Osterman* and Andrew Pond*Directed By: Andrew Pond*Featuring the Voice Talents of: Jessica Lauren Fisher*, Daniel Houle*, Serina Johnston*, Noelle Klyce, ...
Jun 4th, 2021
S.H.A.M.E. comes out of hiding and sets their sights on Mayor Crane! And Wednesday gets the giggles.Written by: Andrew Pond*and Kaeley Osterman*Directed By: Andrew Pond*Featuring the Voice Talents of: Jessica Lauren Fisher*, Daniel Houle*, Serina Johnston*, Noelle Klyce, Kaeley Osterman*, Andrew Pond*, Rachael Proulx*,...
May 28th, 2021
They don't just break the fourth wall, they slap it around to show it who's boss.Written by: Andrew Pond*and Kaeley Osterman*Directed By: Andrew Pond*Featuring the Voice Talents of: Jessica Lauren Fisher*, Daniel Houle*, Serina Johnston*, Noelle Klyce, Kaeley Osterman*, Andrew Pond*, Rachael Proulx*, and Julian Serna*F...
May 21st, 2021
Honestly, you wouldn't believe me if I told you....Written by: Andrew Pond*and Kaeley Osterman*Directed By: Andrew Pond*Featuring the Voice Talents of: Jessica Lauren Fisher*, Daniel Houle*, Serina Johnston*, Noelle Klyce, Kaeley Osterman*, Andrew Pond*, Rachael Proulx*, and Julian Serna*Foley Artist: Lori Eyre**Denote...
May 14th, 2021
Ian and Natasha cross paths with Theo and Wednesday since apparently, all roads lead to...Cudahy? And the Welsh, as usual, get the raw end of the deal.Written by: Andrew Pond*and Kaeley Osterman*Directed By: Andrew Pond*Featuring the Voice Talents of: Jessica Lauren Fisher*, Daniel Houle*, Serina Johnston*, Noelle Klyc...
May 7th, 2021
Theo and Wednesday finally take that vacation they've been talking about...incessantly. Wally takes over the investigation into S.H.A.M.E. with a new partner...Editor-in-Chief Clemmons!Written by:  Andrew Pond*and Kaeley Osterman*Directed By: Andrew Pond*Featuring the Voice Talents of: Jessica Lauren Fisher*, Daniel Ho...
Apr 30th, 2021
Mayor Crane learns more about being a normal person, and somehow manages to crack a case all on his own; Wednesday is reunited with her greatest love.Written by: Kaeley Osterman* and Andrew Pond*Directed By: Andrew Pond*Featuring the Voice Talents of: Jessica Lauren Fisher*, Daniel Houle*, Serina Johnston*, Noelle Klyc...
Apr 23rd, 2021
Challenged by Mayoral candidate Eugene Gompers Cruikshank, Mayor Crane decides to spend a week living like a normal person to get in touch with the "common man" and moves in with Rosa for a week. Inspired by this switch, Wednesday and Theo trade places as well, which strains Wednesday's patience...and Theo's neck.Writt...
Apr 16th, 2021
Anna manages to get herself kidnapped; Melvyn manages to show The Shade that capes aren't all they're cracked up to be; The Shade manages to end up in the sewer yet again; Wednesday manages to somehow not throttle Melvyn.Written by: Andrew Pond* and Kaeley Osterman*Directed By: Andrew Pond*Featuring the Voice Talents o...
Apr 9th, 2021
In the massive Season 3 premiere, Theo and Wednesday investigate a shadowy conspiracy to embarrass do-gooders, and meet some precocious rapscallions.Written by: Andrew Pond* and Kaeley Osterman*Directed By: Andrew Pond*Featuring the Voice Talents of: Jessica Lauren Fisher*, Daniel Houle*, Serina Johnston*, Noelle Klyce...
Apr 9th, 2021
Ian's past joins up with our heroes, and everyone learns something new about the depth of Lake Michigan.Written by: Andrew Pond* and Kaeley Osterman*Directed By: Andrew Pond*Featuring the Voice Talents of: Jessica Lauren Fisher*, Daniel Houle*, Serina Johnston*, Noelle Klyce, Kaeley Osterman*, Andrew Pond*, Rachael Pro...
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