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Empire Wreckers

Empire Wreckers

Empire Wreckers

A weekly Arts, TV, Film and Comedy podcast

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Empire Wreckers

Empire Wreckers

Empire Wreckers

Empire Wreckers

Empire Wreckers

Empire Wreckers

A weekly Arts, TV, Film and Comedy podcast
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Feb 2nd, 2025
The Clone Wars have begun! Following an explosive battle on Geonosis, Jedi Knights across the galaxy have been called to serve as commanders in the Republic's Grand Clone Army.Sneaking off before being ordered to the front lines, Exploration Group 6-B of the Jedi Service Corps embarked on a mission of their own, seekin...


Jan 19th, 2025
There is unrest in the Galactic Senate. Several thousand solar systems have declared their intentions to leave the Republic.This separatist movement, under the leadership of the mysterious Count Dooku, has made it difficult for the limited number of Jedi Knights tomaintain peace and order in the galaxy.But the Knights ...


Oct 13th, 2024
Freedom is at hand! After running afoul of the Bounty Hunter's Guild and finding themselves in a Deck of high value targets, the Empire Wreckers are on the verge of returning to anonymity.Discovering that their old droid Rusty is the Deck's Dealer, the crew of the Chrome Cock have tracked him to Kessel - now home to th...


Sep 29th, 2024
Time is running out for the Empire Wreckers. After assassinating the Supreme Chancellor of the Galactic Republic, the crew of the Chrome Cock found themselves confronted by two Jedi Masters who sought their end.Convincing the Jedi Grandmaster Kurban that Sonia Velsing was not all she seemed, the fugitives spilled the b...


Sep 15th, 2024
The Republic is in mourning. The supreme chancellor of the Republic has been assassinated on the 132nd anniversary of the Republic's reformation after the war with the Sith.The young king of Naboo, initially believed to be the gunman, has been cleared of all wrongdoing after his wherabouts were confirmed at the time of...


Sep 1st, 2024
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Aug 18th, 2024
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Aug 4th, 2024
The plot thickens! More than a century after the defeat of the Sith at Ruusan, the Jedi Order have returned to their role as the guardians of peace and justice in the galaxy, keeping a watchful vigil for the return of their enemy.Ensuring the Jedi maintain their place of power is an underworld bounty list known as The ...


Jul 21st, 2024
Danger lurks in the Jedi Order. More than a century after the defeat of the Sith, the guardians of peace and justice in the galaxy keep a watchful eye out for the rise of their enemies, old and new.Turning her sights to the galactic underworld Jedi Master Sonia Velsing seeks the identity of The Dealer, a mysterious ind...


Jul 7th, 2024
The price of betrayal! After attacking their fellow bounty hunters, the Empire Wreckers have found themselves with a price on their own heads, and they certainly can't afford to pay it.Searching for the identity of the mysterious creator of the bounty list known as The Deck, the crew of the Chrome Cock sought the aid o...


Jun 23rd, 2024
Baby's day out! After turning against their fellow bounty hunters on Coruscant, the Empire Wreckers fled the planet to protect a dark ally, and have now become targets themselves.Searching for a way to get their bounty removed, the Empire Wreckers sought the advice of witches and prophets, and have now set their sights...


Jun 9th, 2024
Quest for the power baby! After running afoul of the bounty hunter's guild, the Empire Wreckers now seek the identity of the Dealer of The Deck, a mysterious individual who is responsible for bounties against powerful Force sensitive individuals.Visiting a prophet of Voss, the crew of the Chrome Cock learned clues that...


May 26th, 2024
Visions of the future! After breaking the sacred rules of the Bounty Hunters Guild, the Empire Wreckers have gone on the run, and are sought after by the galaxy's soldiers of fortune.Seemingly on a mysterious bounty list known as The Deck, the crew of the Chrome CockĀ  have taken refuge with another target from the list...


May 12th, 2024
Betrayal in the underworld! As the Empire Wreckers find themselves in a new time, they also find themselves with new enemies.Turning to bounty hunting to help them rebuild their lost wealth, the smooth-brained bandits then threw away their best opportunity for riches by attacking their fellow hunters.Now with their old...


Apr 28th, 2024
Deceit and Subterfuge! After escaping from more than a century of stasis, the Empire Wreckers have found themselves in a peaceful future, where the galaxy is once again led by a powerful Republic.With no money and no history, the former mercenary pirates have become bounty hunters to make ends meet, only to have the ta...


Apr 14th, 2024
The Empire Wreckers are in trouble. After aiding their former barmaid in a scheme to take control of a castle full of Republic treasures, the former barkeeps of Taris have found themselves catapulted into the future.More than a century after the end of the war with the Sith, the galaxy has returned to a state of peace,...


Mar 31st, 2024
It is a dangerous time in the galaxy. More than a century after the defeat of the Sith, the Jedi Order is still recovering from the losses incurred during the great war.As the Jedi work to rebuild their institution, individuals on scattered worlds discover the power of the Force without guidance or teaching, and some f...


Mar 17th, 2024
The Empire Wreckers have returned to the galaxy. Skipping more than a century inside a stasis chamber, the former pirates of the Sith Wars have entered a more civilized age.Finding themselves in the midst of a galactic fuel shortage caused by their previous words and deeds, the Wreckers have stolen a fuel freighter fro...


Mar 3rd, 2024
It has been over a century since the end of the great war with the Sith, and the Republic has begun an era of peace.Explorers chart forgotten starlanes and diplomats extend olive branches to distant worlds, seeking to repair the damage done by a millennia of war.However, lurking in the dark corners of the galaxy, there...


Feb 18th, 2024
It is a time of peace. Six score and twelve years after the final defeat of the Sith, the Galactic Republic has entered a new golden age.The order of Jedi Knights, once a fearsome clan of warriors, has retired into their new role of peacekeepers, though many ancient Jedi are still vigilant against the return of their a...


Jan 14th, 2024
The galaxy burns in the fires of war. As Sith Warlords battle for dominance, a new figure has emerged and promised ultimate power to those who join him.Calling himself Darth Bane, this new Sith Lord has drawn the forces of darkness to the planet Ruusan, unknowingly plotting the doom of the Sith he considers pretenders ...


Dec 31st, 2023
The galaxy is on the brink of collapse. As the Republic struggles to defend itself against warring Sith empires, pirate kings pillage undefended worlds across the stars.Among those pirates are the crew of the Slippery Swallow, former barkeeps of Taris who fled their home to escape the war and seek a better life.After i...


Dec 19th, 2023
War! What is it good for? Making lots of money. After fleeing the planet Taris and leaving behind their thriving business, the Empire Wreckers have become privateers working for the Republic.As their crew expands, the Outer Rimmer pirates have now acquired two ships, allowing them to double their money by doubling thei...


Dec 3rd, 2023
The galaxy continues to be in turmoil. As a millennia of war drags on, the Galactic Republic has become a shadow of its former self, and the Lords of the Sith battle each other for dominance.Hoping to take advantage of the stife is the crew of the Slippery Swallow, a group of Outer Rimmer pirates who have set into moti...


Nov 19th, 2023
The scam is afoot. After losing their home on Taris, the Empire Wreckers have become pirates, seeking fortune and glory among the stars.In their quest for riches, the crew of the Slippery Swallow have begun to take jobs for the failing Republic, working as privateers against the galaxy's nefarious forces.But the Outer ...


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