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#ensakidag - en riktigt viktig sak (nästan) varje dag

Joakim Jardenberg

#ensakidag - en riktigt viktig sak (nästan) varje dag

A daily Technology podcast

 1 person rated this podcast
#ensakidag - en riktigt viktig sak (nästan) varje dag

Joakim Jardenberg

#ensakidag - en riktigt viktig sak (nästan) varje dag

#ensakidag - en riktigt viktig sak (nästan) varje dag

Joakim Jardenberg

#ensakidag - en riktigt viktig sak (nästan) varje dag

A daily Technology podcast
 1 person rated this podcast
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Per Olof Arnäs has been working in, around, and with the logistics industry since the late 1980s, both as a and as a researcher. He holds a PhD in logistics from Chalmers University of Technology (where he now is a researcher) and has also worked as a developer building sustainability tracking systems for the freight industry. His main focus of research is the digitalization of the industry, both how it can be accelerated and also the effects/implications of it. Apart from his research he is a podcaster. His podcast (Logistikpodden, in Swedish) is the largest logistics podcast in Sweden. He will launch his first international podcast, Logistics Rocks, during 2018. He loves the 21st century.

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