In episode 85 of the Eyes on Jesus podcast, Drew and Tim address the urgent and daunting issue of trafficking and its impact on the church and next generation. They discuss alarming global and U.S. statistics, including the fast-growing prevalence of platforms like OF among 18 to 24-year-olds. Highlighting the spiritua... more
In episode 84, Drew and Tim discuss various reasons why church attendance is declining, such as increased affluence, youth sports, travel, and the availability of online services. They emphasize the need for community, structure, and accountability within the church body. The conversation highlights the dangers of self... more
In episode 83 of the Eyes on Jesus podcast, Drew and Tim discuss various predictions for the church in 2025. They share insights on mental health for pastors, the decline in evangelism, and shifts in church models. They also talk about community engagement, the future of mega-churches, and the role of AI in ministry. T... more
In episode 82 of the Eyes on Jesus podcast, Drew and Tim discuss the importance of intentionally seeking the presence of God through daily habits and practical steps. They emphasize the significance of making achievable goals in spiritual disciplines like prayer, Bible reading, fasting, journaling, worship, and evangel... more
In episode 81 of the Eyes on Jesus podcast, Drew and Tim discuss the challenges of overcoming long-standing struggles and the importance of spiritual growth through accountability. They delve into the concept of spiritual blindness, explaining how it impedes personal growth and spiritual maturity. They highlight the cr... more
In this throwback to episode 32 of the Eyes on Jesus Podcast, hosts Drew and Tim discuss the significance of making New Year's resolutions. They share personal experiences and offer insightful views on setting achievable goals and not getting pressured by society's expectations. The conversation also steers towards the... more
In this episode of the Eyes on Jesus podcast, Drew and Tim discuss the balance between contending and contentment in life, emphasizing that Jesus is the answer to achieving this balance. They share personal insights and biblical examples to illustrate the importance of aligning one's goals with God's will. They also ta... more
In episode 79 of the 'Eyes on Jesus' podcast, hosts Drew and Tim are joined by Mike and Daniel Blackaby, grandsons of Henry Blackaby, founder of Blackaby Ministries International. Mike and Daniel discuss their new book, 'Straight to the Heart,' which focuses on five ways to communicate the gospel through passions and e... more
In episode 78 of the Eyes on Jesus podcast, hosts Drew and Tim are joined by Chris Garcia, pastor and founder of Father's Glory International, who shares insights from his new book 'Fresh Oil: Secrets to Intimacy with the Holy Spirit.' Chris discusses the importance of seeking God beyond feelings, the significance of w... more
In episode 77 of the Eyes on Jesus podcast, hosts Drew and Tim welcome Joel Thomas, a researcher and podcaster who delves into the intersection of the supernatural, Biblical perspectives, and technological advancements. They discuss the rapid evolution of AI, particularly focusing on Chat GPT and the controversial clai... more
In episode 76 of the Eyes on Jesus podcast, Drew and Tim discuss the implications of the recent election on the Christian church. They emphasize the importance of the church stepping up during this reprieve and not waiting for catastrophes to spur action. The hosts reflect on the challenges faced during previous electi... more
In episode 75, we have guest Jake Hamilton, a speaker, author, songwriter, and the visionary behind the men's movement called 'The Fight.' The discussion begins with an insight into the importance of ministering to one's family before others and then delves into Jake's personal journey, shifting from a workaholic minis... more
In episode 74 of the Eyes on Jesus podcast, guest Luke Remington shares his journey from a rebellious youth to a passionate evangelist spreading revival across the nation. Starting at 17 years old, Luke discusses his authentic encounter with Jesus, his baptism in the Holy Spirit, and his commitment to live a life of tr... more
In Episode 73 of the Eyes on Jesus podcast, hosts Drew and Tim, joined by guest Cam, explore insightful takeaways from the Modern Church Leader Conference held in Irving, Texas. They discuss the role of technology in expanding the church's reach while maintaining authentic relationships and the presence of God. The con... more
In this episode 72 of the Eyes on Jesus podcast, hosts Drew and Tim explore the significance of Jesus teaching through parables, encouraging believers to delve deeper into understanding rather than becoming offended or complacent. They highlight the importance of personal revelation, the role of the secret place in pra... more
In episode 71 of the Eyes on Jesus podcast with Drew and Tim, special guest Cam Pape shares his insights from years of ministry, delving into the contentious topic of politics as a discipleship issue within the church. The hosts explore the role of church leaders in guiding their congregations amidst today's divisive p... more
In this episode we discuss the dangers of misquoting Bible verses and address common sayings often mistaken for biblical scripture. We emphasize the importance of understanding the context in which Bible verses were written and highlight specific examples of frequently misquoted verses.Get the most comfortable shirts... more
In this episode we tackle a common apologetics question about what happens to those who never heard the gospel. We emphasize the need for Christians to share the gospel actively and without excuses. The episode also covers topics such as how people were saved before Jesus, the importance of God's mercy, and the urgency... more
In this episode of the Eyes on Jesus podcast, Drew and Tim are joined by Justin Dewing to discuss the importance of sharing the gospel and effective discipleship. Justin shares his personal journey from a troubled past to a transformative encounter with God. The conversation covers how to present the gospel in 60 secon... more
In Episode 67 of the Eyes on Jesus Podcast with hosts Drew and Tim, the discussion centers around the concept of 'unreasonable hospitality,' inspired by Will Guidara's book. The hosts relate this concept to ministry and personal lives, emphasizing the importance of loving and valuing individuals as Jesus did. They also... more
Have you heard that Christianity is not a religion but a relationship? What does this mean? We break it down in this episode of the Eyes on Jesus Podcast. We explore the pitfalls of treating feelings as facts and the dangers of adhering too strictly to either religious rules or unchecked grace. Our conversation delves... more
In this episode of the Eyes on Jesus podcast, Drew and Tim interview special guest Scott Roberts, a Christian leader and author of 'Warrior Disciple'. Scott discusses the spiritual battles faced by Christians, the importance of men’s ministry, and his journey in faith. He shares insights on the need for men to adopt a ... more
In this episode of the Eyes on Jesus podcast with Drew and Tim, the hosts discuss innovative ideas for enhancing church programs and community engagement. They touch on the importance of making the church relevant and essential to the community, partnerships with other churches, and the need for unified efforts to spre... more
Don't be shocked when the world acts like the world! In this episode of the Eyes on Jesus podcast, hosts Drew and Tim discuss the controversial opening ceremony of the Paris 2024 Olympics, calling on Christians to recognize the world's standards versus biblical standards. They reflect on the response from the Christia... more
With so much talk of revival, is revival the answer that we should be praying for? What about when we don't see revival, what do we do as Christians? In this episode of The Eyes on Jesus Podcast, Drew and Tim delve into the concept of revival, particularly in the context of American Christianity. They discuss the impor... more