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72: Stop the Madness: Staying Present to What's Happening in the World without Adding to the Fear and Frenzy

72: Stop the Madness: Staying Present to What's Happening in the World without Adding to the Fear and Frenzy

Released Friday, 5th October 2018
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72: Stop the Madness: Staying Present to What's Happening in the World without Adding to the Fear and Frenzy

72: Stop the Madness: Staying Present to What's Happening in the World without Adding to the Fear and Frenzy

72: Stop the Madness: Staying Present to What's Happening in the World without Adding to the Fear and Frenzy

72: Stop the Madness: Staying Present to What's Happening in the World without Adding to the Fear and Frenzy

Friday, 5th October 2018
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How do we "BE" with what we are seeing in the world all around us - the anger, the greed, the disrespect, the separation, etc. etc.- without becoming consumed by it, sucked into it or feeling like we have to spiritually bypass it? How do you speak up, stand up and show up to be the agent of change, truth, compassion that you desire to be, when everything feels so overwhelming, compressed and out of control?

The yogis predicted we would come to this time of madness. Our role is to be able to stay present with what is happening in this world, be agents for change and elevation, not forces who add to the chaos, frenzy and fear. 

How do you stay present with what's happening in the world without being overcome by it? Whether it's happening in politics, in power plays on your job or in relationships, or in your community or within yourself, we need super powers and wisdom for staying present with what is, staying human in the process, but not becoming part of the very things we wish to change. 

In this Feminine Power Time, with Christine Arylo, feminine leadership advisor, MBA and Wisdom Teacher, dive in for:

  • How to tell when you have been sucked up into the frenzy and fear machine and are being affected by the madness in unhelpful ways - so you can shake it off and stay centered in what is real
  • Why so many of us are feeling so compressed, overwhelmed and like the world is out of control - elevate out of the chaos to see what is really happening
  • 3 'wisdom bytes' that will empower you to be present with what is happening in the world without being overcome by it or letting it distract you from your purpose and part
  • How we speak up and stand up to be forces of elevation and humanity vs. adding to the fear, frenzy, isolation and domination.
  • The difference between the cowardly act of condoning and the courageous act of human compassion 
  • The bigger story happening right now for us as humanity - and how to be at choice as to how you play the 'game' and do your part to change the story. 
  • How to tap into your part to play in making the change you wish to see so you can be your sacred rebel Jedi self. A force for freedom and elevation!

Chaos loves to speed things up. But we lose our power when we become part of the sand storm. We embody our power when we stand still in the midst of it, see what is real, see the fear game being played. We gain an elevated perspective that empowers us to act in ways that can create powerful change. 

This is the time to start slowing down, not speeding up. We need to step out of our daily rhythyms to hear the deeper wisdom within.

Join Christine for her yearly Women's Wisdom Quest: Sacred Rebels. Sacred Work Nov 2-4th the best time for deepening your access to wisdom. www.FeminineWisdomRetreat.com 




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