What is your belief around Christmas? Santa Claus’ beginnings? If not Christmas what else is celebrated? Did you know pagans might have been the ones who started Christmas? Historian and Author Kenneth C. Davis knows a lot about holidays and their origins and we listen to him here. Did you know Christians at one time were persecuted for celebrating Jesus’ birth? Kwanzaa was birthed from the riots of Watts! Let’s explore holidays of all different kinds, join us for this lively conversation.
Kenneth C. Davis ( Historian and Author of the Series of books: “Don’t Know Much About…”) Interview on CBS – December 25th, 2018
#christmashistory #paganholidays #pagantraditions #santaclausbeginnings #holidays #celebrationofholidays #religionandholidays #kennethcdavis #youdontknowmuch #focusedhealthyfamilypodcast #paganrituals #holidayrituals #holidaycustoms #ginagrothoff #dongrothoff #focusedhealthyfamily
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