Why FoodTruckr? Because food doesn't sell itself. FoodTruckr School is here to bring you the best information possible to help you start, run, and grow a successful food truck business. Whether you're just starting out or you're a veteran in the food truck business, we're going to bring you the best of the best to help you get to the next level. Food trucks are hot, but going into it blindly or sticking to your "old school" ways are not. Technology and marketing strategies are changing every day, and you can be sure that if you subscribe to the Food Truckr School Podcast, you'll stay up to date on everything that's going on in the industry. Social media, branding, facebook, twitter, iphone apps, zoning requirements, health code regulations, licensing, food truck mechanics, pricing, strategy, business plans - you name it, it's here for you. Check us out at FoodTruckr.com, and let us help you become a food trucker, and get more customers to discover your amazing food.