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Friday's Flavor!

Jolene D.

Friday's Flavor!

A weekly Business, Careers and Entrepreneur podcast

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Friday's Flavor!

Jolene D.

Friday's Flavor!

Friday's Flavor!

Jolene D.

Friday's Flavor!

A weekly Business, Careers and Entrepreneur podcast
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 'Friday's Flavor' with Jolene D

I started my first profitable business in Schenectady NY at the age of 11 years old. Since then I've seen many business successes, some failures, and lots of personal growth.

I'm now a mother of 3, telecommunications consultant, and follower of Christ. I am too awkward to make this a straight business channel, so expect to see a lot of goof and comedy in my content. According to my kids, I am a "hilarious nerd"- I won't deny it.

Every Friday a new interview with a unique business owner will air- you can look forward to hearing some of the latest in NY's local business news, the hottest business tips from the people who are actually making it happen, and the unique stories of the individuals who are rocking it here. 

Midweek you can look forward to watching me being silly for Motivation Monday & Telecommunications Tuesday, where I explain some aspect of the tech behind communications in a funny and understandable way.

We're here to highlight local businesses, uplift our community, and remind everyone that NY will ALWAYS bounce back, thrive and set standards! The old saying stands true...If you can make it here, you can make it anywhere! God bless y'all!!!

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Podcast Details

Created by
Jolene D.
Podcast Status
Apr 17th, 2020
Latest Episode
Oct 2nd, 2020
Release Period
Avg. Episode Length
29 minutes

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