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Episode #6 : Learning to Swim

Episode #6 : Learning to Swim

Released Sunday, 31st May 2015
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Episode #6 : Learning to Swim

Episode #6 : Learning to Swim

Episode #6 : Learning to Swim

Episode #6 : Learning to Swim

Sunday, 31st May 2015
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The Fear of losing your money Trading FOREX is a healthy feeling and it can be eliminated through Learning Process.

Learning to use the Tools of Technical Analysis as part of your Risk Management Arsenal is what will help you replace fear with confidence and soul-consuming stress with fun.

It sounds simple and it is. But as simple it is to do it, is also to NOT do it.

So practically, it all boils down to Learning how to Trade FOREX. And that's the point where most of the new Traders get trapped, for two reasons : they seek knowledge from the wrong sources or they try to learn the wrong way .

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