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Gandhi: The Final Years

Ideabrew Studios

Gandhi: The Final Years

A History podcast

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Gandhi: The Final Years

Ideabrew Studios

Gandhi: The Final Years

Gandhi: The Final Years

Ideabrew Studios

Gandhi: The Final Years

A History podcast
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Jan 29th, 2023
As the communal landscape worsened, the political situation was in utter disarray. Mahatma Gandhi found that his former proteges and political wards had little time or use for his advice. He found himself increasingly isolated despite the crowds that always surrounded him. “One calls himself my beta, the other calls hi...


Jan 29th, 2023
As Jinnah declared Direct Action Day, India feared a tsunami of violence. Mahatma Gandhi struggled to hold together the unwinding threads of unity that he had so painstakingly woven. At the concluding session of the Muslim League Council, Jinnah declared: “Today we bid goodbye to Constitutional methods… We have forged ...


Jan 29th, 2023
It was in Bihar that Mahatma Gandhi had made his first mark, politically speaking, after returning from South Africa in 2015. It was where the  Champaran Satyagraha gave him an unbreakable grassroots connection with the poorest Indians. In 1946, alongside the bloodletting in Bengal, there was a pogrom in Bihar. If in B...


Jan 29th, 2023
After Bengal, Bihar and Punjab, it was Delhi’s time to burn. Independence had been achieved, but the streets were deserted. Riots had erupted and corpses lined many streets. As the refugees poured into the city, their anger at having lost everything was incandescent. Lord Mountbatten observed: “If we go down in Delhi, ...


Jan 29th, 2023
On January 30, 1948, Nathuram Godse elbowed his way through the crowd, joined his hands as if in supplication and then fired three bullets from a Beretta pistol. Gandhi collapsed in a pool of blood that seeped into the earth. He began chanting “Ram! Ram! Ram…”. The chanting faded as his life ebbed away.A saga came to...


Jan 29th, 2023
Mahatma Gandhi’s last years were the most tumultuous of his life. They marked his greatest triumphs, his greatest losses and the crumbling of his dream. India achieved Independence in 1947, but at the cost of Partition and enormous suffering. Gandhi’s final years show us why India took the path that it did. They are ...


Jan 24th, 2023
On Mahatma Gandhi’s death anniversary, All Indians Matter launches a six-part series that takes you on a journey through the last years of his life. Those years were a saga by themselves, in many ways the most dramatic of his extraordinary journey and also perhaps the most significant for a nation about to be born. His...


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