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Gear Tasting Radio

Bryan Black

Gear Tasting Radio

A weekly Education, Sports and Recreation podcast

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Gear Tasting Radio

Bryan Black

Gear Tasting Radio

Gear Tasting Radio

Bryan Black

Gear Tasting Radio

A weekly Education, Sports and Recreation podcast
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Aug 14th, 2020
This week on Gear Tasting Radio, we discuss the different bags, packs and boxes we keep our preparedness gear in and share some tips on storage.
Jul 10th, 2020
Situational Awareness is always a good thing to practice, but this week on Gear Tasting Radio we’re examining why too much paranoia or living “in the red” can be detrimental to your health and overall safety.
Jul 10th, 2020
With data collection being more prevalent than ever these days, this week on Gear Tasting Radio we’re highlighting a few things you can do, both physically and digitally, to help protect your data from bad actors.
Jul 2nd, 2020
This week on Gear Tasting Radio we discuss the confusion surrounding terms like “First Aid” and “Trauma.” We offer our thoughts on what products are essential and why you might not always be the one using your kit’s supplies. Medical Resources - https://bit.ly/31Attbn
Jun 19th, 2020
This week on Gear Tasting Radio we discuss a brand new emergency preparedness product to stay ready for disasters. We also highlight the differences between Fieldcraft and Tradecraft, including why you should think more like a spy when it comes to home security
Jun 5th, 2020
Since 2009, ITS has strived to provide tips, tools and solutions to better prepare you to deal with the unexpected. In this episode of Gear Tasting Radio, we highlight our competencies and convictions that empower people to better themselves and become their own insurance policies.
May 11th, 2020
Stop the Bleed Month is underway and today on Gear Tasting Radio, we discuss the importance of bleeding control training and tools. We also address some of the myths surrounding using medical equipment and responding as a civilian. For Episode Intel, visit GearTastingRadio.com
Apr 27th, 2020
This week on Gear Tasting Radio, we’re discussing how our vehicle loadouts have evolved over the years. We dive into items that can be trimmed away and things that are always going to be emergency staples on the side of the road. For Episode Intel, visit GearTastingRadio.com
Apr 13th, 2020
This week on Gear Tasting Radio we’re discussing the smaller gear-related things you can do around your house to make life a little easier. We cover everything from important gear to keep stashed in drawers to some software updates you might not even be aware of. For Episode Intel, visit GearTastingRadio.com
Mar 30th, 2020
This week on Gear Tasting Radio we discuss how you can best utilize the downtime from COVID-19 to better prepare yourself, your family and your home.
Mar 16th, 2020
Learning to navigate with a map and compass can feel like magic and this week on Gear Tasting Radio, we discuss how you can get started. In addition, we provide some resources for compasses, maps and even tips on how to make your own navigation gear!
Mar 2nd, 2020
With the recent news of virus outbreaks around the globe, we’re taking this episode of Gear Tasting Radio to highlight things you can do to skip the panic that happens during disasters.
Feb 17th, 2020
Lock picking is a valuable skill that can save you money and showcase how vulnerable the locks around you are. On this episode of Gear Tasting Radio, we discuss a real world example of lock picking and how you can jumpstart your learning!
Dec 9th, 2019
Personal security when traveling comes with a unique set of contingencies and challenges. This week on Gear Tasting Radio, we discuss our tips and tricks to help get you through your next trip safely; whether you’re flying, driving or just checking into a hotel.
Nov 18th, 2019
At ITS, we’ve always advocated skills and products that can make a profound difference in your daily life, or even when it comes to saving a life. Today we address illegal restraint and why even after a decade, we’re still busting the myth that our content helps criminals more than prepared citizens.
Nov 4th, 2019
Gear Tasting Radio is officially back in the saddle with a new format and schedule! On this episode, we discuss medical kits, where to store them and how many to keep on hand. We also highlight the dangers of improvised medical devices and how to turn your family members into force multipliers. Additional info on this ...
Jun 11th, 2019
We promised and now we’re delivering another round of questions this week on Gear Tasting Radio. We answer everything from foot care in the field to getting the family involved in Bug Out Bag preparation. Finally, we tackle a question involving preparing a bag for extreme long distance travel and survival. For Episode ...
Jun 4th, 2019
We’re revisiting our 5 Item 48 Hour Challenge that we covered on Gear Tasting Radio a little over a year ago. Our items have changed a bit and we want to see how yours have changed as well! Use the poundtag #5ItemChallenge on any social media network to post your items. For Episode Intel, visit GearTastingRadio.com
May 28th, 2019
When it comes to emergency communications, there’s no one clear “best” option. This week on Gear Tasting Radio, we discuss several items you can consider including in your Bug Out Bag to have the best chance of communicating during an emergency. For Episode Intel, visit GearTastingRadio.com
May 21st, 2019
We’re joined this week on Gear Tasting Radio by former Navy SEAL and longtime ITS contributor, Nick Hays, to discuss his upcoming book Elite. We cover everything from steps to remove negativity in your life to why a routine can help recenter you. Check out the episode intel for more information on how to pre-order your...
May 7th, 2019
We’re using the term “miscellaneous items” on this week’s Gear Tasting Radio to describe things in a Bug Out Bag that may not fit into an exact category, or may spread across multiple categories. We highlight items like tape for repairs, protection items like ponchos and why pack covers shouldn’t be included. For Episo...
Apr 30th, 2019
We’re cleaning house on this episode of Gear Tasting Radio, as we discuss the hygiene items in Bryan’s Bug Out Bag. He takes us through swapping items like full-sized toothbrushes for more compact and lightweight choices.  For Episode Intel, visit GearTastingRadio.com
Apr 16th, 2019
This week we recap some of the gear Bryan took on his recent training trip to Rifles Only, which you may have heard about in last week’s episode. Bryan describes what gear performed well for him, including a new pack that he may be replacing his beloved ALICE Pack with. For Episode Intel, visit GearTastingRadio.com
Mar 26th, 2019
Bryan recently returned from a week training with Precision Rifle at Rifles Only and during that time, he sat down with Jacob Bynum and Lindy Sisk to record an episode of Gear Tasting Radio. They covered everything from the basics of getting started in Precision Rifle to busting some myths that have been perpetuated th...
Mar 19th, 2019
It’s a powerful episode of Gear Tasting Radio this week, where we discuss keeping devices charged up in the field. In addition to the battery storage methods we use, we also highlight the benefits and drawbacks to rechargeable devices with internal batteries. For Episode Intel, visit GearTastingRadio.com
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