James D'Amato returns for another Hype to tell us about Star Crossed, a new and kickstarting game created by Alex Roberts in association with Bully Pulpit Games. We learn a bit about the development of the game, the mechanics involved, and how James' first play through went.Learn more about Star Crossed and consider ... more
Here comes part 2 of Rich's Magic School bus!Rich Howard, co-host of Whelmed: The Young Justice Files and game designer, Hypes Aly and Mel about one his favorite things in the whole world, the ocean. More facts from Blue Planet 2! Listen to Rich blow our minds and drop some hot facts about the Deep Sea!Find more info... more
Rich Howard, co-host of Whelmed: The Young Justice Files and game designer, Hypes Aly and Mel about one his favorite things in the whole world. Under water mammals and various other fish that have been recently documented in Blue Earth 2. Listen to Rich blow our minds and drop some hot facts about the echidna that won'... more
Aaron J Amendola of Chicago based VStheUniverse tells us all about how musical theater saved him and how it's changed his life for the better. We talk about his favorite shows and grill him for hot takes on some of the more famous, or infamous, musicals out there.You can find Aaron on twitter @ImAaronJMore informatio... more
Alex Roberts hypes Aly and Mel about hot chocolate! Warm yourself up and relax with us as we discuss the history of the drink as well as talk about the variety of ingredients and methods for making your own perfect cup!Listen to Alex at http://oneshotpodcast.com or find out what shes up to at http://www.helloalexrober... more
Kat Kuhl of the One Shot Network Hypes Aly and Mel about the Discworld series by Terry Pratchett. We talk about various collections set in Discworld as well as the best place to start for new readers!Listen to Kat at http://oneshotpodcast.comFor more information about Discworld check out it's Wikipedia, https://en.wi... more
Ai, better known on twitter as @yetregressing, joins us to Hype about head cannon and using the trans lens to change how we view media and how that can add a whole new level to how we view characters in media. Somehow we stumbled yet again into the realm of fan fiction?!?Aly's Johnlock fan video - https://www.youtube.... more
Meg gives us a glimpse into the wonderful world of Japanese Idols and some of the intricacies of the super fans that support them.Find Meg's podcasts, Modifier and (soon to be) Tales from Thedas, at http://oneshotpodcast.com and on Twitter @meglishAikatsu! / Aikatsu! Stars sub site:http://mezashite.net/Uta no Princ... more
Pranks hypes (burdens) Mel and Aly about his favorite echidna and we stop through memory lane to talk about the worst fan fiction we've ever written.Check out Pranks on twitter @roguetldrNever Tell me the Pods : nevertellmethepods.comAdventure: oneshotpodcast.com@gethypepod on Twitter | /gethypepod on Facebook | g... more
Jess hypes Aly and Mel about a Very Good book she found years ago. We talk about consent and it's importance as well as health as related to sex. We also touch on the evolution of sex education and it's ins and outs. ;)Jess's personal twitter @AngryArtist113 ; Her pod's twitter @fggpod ; and her portfolio site https:/... more
Welcome to episode 2! Mel and Aly talk to James D'Amato about one of his favorite hobbies/distractions, .io games!@gethypepod on Twitter | /gethypepod on Facebook | [email protected]
Welcome to episode 1! Mel and Aly have be best friends for years and they love to yell at each other about the things they love. Come listen to them continue to yell at each other and find something new to enjoy at the same time!@gethypepod on Twitter | /gethypepod on Facebook | [email protected]