Today's episode is about flirting and having fun by trying on a different persona on a date night. It's about using the power of role play to infuse fresh life into your marriage! It's like putting on a different outfit than the one you usually wear and being playful. And because this is get your marriage on, we'll... more
Our childhood and families of origin have a profound impact on our worldviews, including our attitudes towards sex and intimacy. Not knowing anything different, for the most part, we tend to intuitively model what we've seen and absorbed from the culture we grew up in. My wife and I are blessed to come from wonderful ... more
Take a moment to think about the evolution of your own sexual journey as a couple. How far have you come in the last year? Or the last two years, or the last five years? Is what's important to you today the same as what was important to you in the last two or five years? I bet it's different. It's then reasonable to as... more
This is part two of the BDSM episodes. Last week we talked about how a BDSM is a exchange of erotic energy and how it's built upon the principles of trust and communication. And in a scene or experience, you have one partner acting in the dominant role and the other in the submissive role. And it's the submissive per... more
Like many of you, I've had questions about BDSM for a long time. I've had preconceived ideas of what it was and wondered how it fits into my faith and the style of intimate play my wife and I enjoy. I have also received emails and DMS from many of you listeners asking me about BDSM in the context of a faithful Christ... more
Ever feel like you wish your wife was a little less vanilla? Every wish your spouse would be more enthusiastic about trying new things in the bedroom (or out of the bedroom for that matter)? Ever ask your spouse what their fantasies are, and they look at you with a blank stare or an "I don't know"? Ever get frustrated ... more
I studied martial arts for 13 years when I was younger and I became proficient in three different styles of Karate and Kenpo. As you progress towards being a black belt, the fundamentals don't change, but your ability to be more precise and skilled in using those fundamentals improves dramatically. Like in my martial... more
I am a big believer in play in the bedroom, and I'm excited that you'll get to join me in this conversation with Adam and Karissa King today. Adam and Karissa have a fun Instagram account called Dear Young, Married Couple. And that's how I first met them a few years ago. And get this. They are both marriage counsel... more
It's hard to believe that my wife and I started this work eight years ago! At that time we were 13 years into a happy marriage, but something was missing. We just didn't quite know what it was. And that's when a friend opened up to me about his sex life and taught me about how a healthy, vibrant sexual relationship pe... more
I used to think the word erotic was associated with unsavory things like X-rated films, Las Vegas billboards, or sites are not supposed to visit online. But the more I've done this work with myself and in my marriage and with other couples, the more I've come to love eroticism. The root word for erotic is the Greek wor... more
Today is a continuation of last week's question and answer episode, and I am so thankful for all the courageous couples who reached out with their questions. Here's what we discuss in this episode: A husband wondering about using dildos and double penetration and getting some guidance there. A wife whose husband has b... more
It's time to answer some more questions from our listeners! Today I'm joined by my colleague, Caroline, to discuss some of the questions that you have. We cover the following topics: A husband who's struggling to connect emotionally with his wife, and he wants to learn how to do that without shutting down. A wife is s... more
Broadly speaking, men are generally more interested in sex than women. However, there are exceptions. Some estimate that 20 to 30% of married couples are in marriages where the wife is the one with actually the higher libido or the higher sex drive. However you want to call it, higher desire wives have a unique challe... more
Sexual desire differences are, unfortunately, very common. In fact, it's one of the top reasons why couples seek sex therapy or any kind of help in their marriage. It's really painful to be in a relationship where your spouse doesn't desire you the same way you desire them. And while it's painful for the spouse with... more
There's a lot of stress in parenthood (and regular life) that presses on the couple's relationship, which Emily and I know firsthand as parents to 6 children. And I know that maintaining intimacy and being lovers while also being parents and good at our jobs and other responsibilities is a challenge many of us face, w... more
The holidays are coming up, and this is often a stressful time for a lot of couples. The stress and busyness can often lead couples to fall into dry spells in their sex life. And Emily and I are not immune to those dry spells either. So whether you're in a dry spell or looking to avoid one, this episode is for you!... more
In this episode, you'll learn how to stimulate the "g-spot" and how to have more fun in your bedroom by learning how to work with this beautiful aspect of female pleasure and orgasm. Join us as my guest, Tilly Storm, a sex coach for women, teaches about unlocking this new dimension in your marriage. Even if including t... more
There's definitely a spiritual element to developing an intimate marriage. For example, in order to have really good sex or really deep emotional connection with someone, it requires you to be more honest, true chaste, benevolent, and in short, to do good to your spouse. It requires you to be able to endure all things ... more
There are many reasons why a lot of us get off on the wrong foot when it comes to building an intimate marriage for the lifetime; there's shame, purity culture, unmet expectations, and difficulty in communicating about intimate matters, just to name a few. I'm excited for you to meet a couple that has faced all these c... more
We've come to our fourth and final Sextember podcast episode! It's been a great month culminating in this week's spicy topic. And the whole reason behind Sextember and these types of episodes is to illustrate how important it is that you add variety and novelty to your intimate marriage. This is how you keep it vital f... more
This is our third Sextember Episode! So this is also going to be a really fun and spicy podcast to give you inspiration and ideas to make the most out of your Sextember! Today, we get to talk about how to share your fantasies with your spouse (which is really hard to do sometimes) and about the value of adding novelty... more
Welcome to our second Sextember episode! For this month, every episode will be filled with ideas to add more spice and excitement to your bedroom as part of our Sextember series. Last week, my guest, Tammy Camp, and I talked about flirting and initiating. So today we're going to build on that and talk about another spi... more
I am so excited for what's coming up in September! For the next four episodes in the month of September, we will focus on the theme of spicing things up in the bedroom. We're just adding a little more creativity to your lovemaking routines! It's going to be fun and we're doing all this because September for us is Sexte... more
**SEXTEMBER STARTS ON SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 1. DOWNLOAD THE INTIMATELY US APP TO PARTICIPATE** My hope for you after listening to today's episode is you'll laugh a little, be inspired and gain some practical tools that you can use to improve communication about intimate things in your marriage. My guest today is Alyson Bu... more
In the thick of raising children or building a career or juggling the many demands that life imposes on us, it's easy for couples to feel like relationship matters have been put to the side. You don't intend for this to happen, of course. It's easy for things to feel so vanilla, routine, or monotonous between you and ... more