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GGWO Church Baltimore

GGWO Baltimore

GGWO Church Baltimore

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GGWO Church Baltimore

GGWO Baltimore

GGWO Church Baltimore

GGWO Church Baltimore

GGWO Baltimore

GGWO Church Baltimore

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We are designed for Body Life in service of the Creator. God decided to have a Kingdom. This requires a realm and subjects. We exist by His grace and He desires our growth. Human cells must surrender themselves to the whole or they become cance
Jesus endured opposition, hostile attacks. Many things can wear on us. God works at the edges of life to bring us nearer to His Person. His discipline helps to mature as sons in His way of life. (Hebrews 12:3-15; Job 26:12) Speaker(s): Thomas S
It is important to accept reproof and correction. Christ endured contradictions and opposition. All we face brings us closer to His Person. (Hebrews 12; Job 26:14) Speaker(s): Thomas Schaller Sermon 12853 Date: 2025-1-12 Time: Sun 9:00 am
Paul lived with a reputation stained by his chain. His ministry brought trouble. Some were ashamed of this. Can we follow Christ under such circumstances? Only if we fully follow the doctrine delivered to us. Learn and receive what is heard and
Ephesus was a city in constant flux of government. Paul emphasized the nature of unity in Christ because it countered the city culture. He warned of the dangers of corrupt communication that produces bad fruit. Edification should rule church li
By brokenness, we are made useful for the purpose of God. Light shines only through shattered vessels. Gideon’s army got victory only in the breaking that was done. Setbacks set us up for comebacks. Fallow ground needs disturbance to make way f
God communicated a reality that is to come. A New Jerusalem, the eternal city of the Lord’s Presence awaits us. By the atonement of the Blood of Christ, the work of our salvation is finished and done. We shall be citizens of this glorious place
Speaker(s): Thomas Schaller. Kim Shibley Sermon 12848 Date: 2024-12-31 Time: Tues 8:00 pm
Our focus should be on the Person of Christ and seeking to live as He lived. Matthew left his place and position to go after Jesus. The Name of Jesus is what we carry to people. Lives are changed as we live as He loved. Spirit can lead us as tr
All around us is God. In humility, He sets honor on us. He allowed us to be found in Him. Life is not moral alone; it is spiritual. Regeneration brings potential for love and for having a heart after God. The foolishness and weakness of the dea
The way to understanding is through humility and regeneration. We cannot know the mind of God without the Spirit. The new birth is necessary. We are like leaves. There’s life in us even when we’re faded. (Philippians 2; 2 Corinthians 4) Speaker
How humble was God? He gave Himself to our world. Our culture is exhausted because we seek to save our lives. What a gift Christ is to us. Power is upon Him. We are in the presence of His great grace to us. After we are gone, we may be more rec
Jesus came to serve. He took responsibility. The incarnation is shocking to the pagan mindset. The Son dismissed His privilege. He asks us to take up His mind in humility. (Luke 2:25-27; Philippians 2:5-8; Romans 1:3) Speaker(s): Thomas Schalle
Made of the seed of David Jesus was and is. The line of the King was buried. The Son humbled Himself and lived along our lines of life. He was lowly and meek so unlike the images of pagan gods. (Philippians 2:5-8; Isaiah 53:1-2; Genesis 12:3; 2
God wants to have people with heart to fear Him with honor. Once we had a meat nature, a way of living according to the flesh. We were dark, alien, ignorant, blind, unfeeling, lewd, and unclean. King Herod reveals what we are when we do not lea
As people, we have so much to learn. Men are evil at heart, but all things are possible with God. Angels see God and His severity. They wonder how Heaven shall come on earth. Jesus gave wonderful counsel as mighty God, as Father and Prince. Is
Men need their confidence challenged. Angels has curiosity and perception and some ignorance. The Messiah comes to answer them. (Matthew 2; Isaiah 9) Speaker(s): Thomas Schaller Sermon 12837 Date: 2024-12-15 Time: Sun 9:00 am
Mary was graced. The Angel fed her the Word. Everything about these things with Mary was touched by the Spirit. Especially as she joined with Elizabeth in celebration of the sons in their wombs. She sings of how God changed the world. (2 Corint
Gifts of ministry come by the full measure of grace we have in Christ. What gifts we have are for the anointed ministry to others. Jesus went into lowest rungs of earth in His death to enable His power to release these gifts. These operate by t
God knows us before we choose to know Him. Jesus saw Zaccheus before this sinner climbed the tree to see the Savior. Paul was seen from Heaven before this man was called into his great ministry. Nathaniel was seen under the fig tree before he s
Let us never lose the theology of Christmas. God came to take on flesh and live with us. Daniel had confidence in this living Savior who knows us as One of us. By Him history goes on and kings are made and undone. (Daniel 2:1-28; 10:11) Speaker
The book of Hebrews reveals Jesus as Messiah and His New Covenant. This letter is about fighting for the reality of salvation in Christ as our High Priest and His offering. The writer exhorted readers with “let us”’ statements. We are to keep g
Understanding the theology of the Gospel is vital. Seven “ones” are declared in Ephesians 4. These are the elements of the love of God. The unity of the bond of peace is the result of diligence — an earnest full effort of stretching of love. Go
The Son was sent into the world as the Light. He became material. He manifested eternal life. Healing came from God. And some saw this. Do you see Him? His coming brought us in to fellowship as Christ is in us. We are forgiven by His cleansing
God made the world good. Jesus came and took on material life. The truth of His incarnation is vital to faith. Doctrine must be the core of Christianity and our fellowship. Full joy is in us because Christ is in us. (1 John 1) Speaker(s): Thoma
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