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Together We Create Authority

Together We Create Authority

Released Tuesday, 3rd October 2017
 19 people rated this episode
Together We Create Authority

Together We Create Authority

Together We Create Authority

Together We Create Authority

Tuesday, 3rd October 2017
 19 people rated this episode
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Episode 102: As a mysterious entity and/or certain doom draws closer to the Cavatica, our heroine prepares for the worst (but also for the best, which would tentatively be kittens). Charlotte continues to malfunction as the Girl In Space contemplates life, death, freaky dreams, and whether cheese can age in a vacuum.

Transcript: https://www.girlinspacepodcast.com/episodes/2017/10/2/season-1-episode-2-together-we-create-authority 


Voice of X: Sarah Rhea Werner

Voice of Charlotte: Kay Krause

Voice of E1 Comms Officer: Jon Krause

Voice of Captain Miles Chen: Lincoln Donovan

Written, Directed, Edited, Sound Designed, and Produced by: Sarah Rhea Werner

Additional Direction: Jon Krause


Support us on Patreon at: https://www.patreon.com/girlinspace

For sweet, sweet Girl In Space MERCH, visit: https://www.teepublic.com/stores/girl-in-space-podcast?ref_id=5159

Thank you so much for listening! <3

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