As our collective ascension experience becomes palpable, a new experience is emerging. Join Sandra Walter and Giselle Koy for an in-depth conversation on gatekeeping, fractilization, the over-ride of the now moment and how 5D gatherings are beginning to create themselves. We are collectively doing it people! www.cons... more
As a prolific interviewer and thought leader in the field of conscious media, Regina Meredtih has an insider's view of what is really going on during this dramatic time in history. She and Giselle will discuss what they both consider to be the most important conversation to be having today regarding disclosure and the ... more
Conscious marketing and broadcasting is evolving at a rapid pace and includes a whole new approach and language. Join Giselle and Maya as they explore this new landscape of the awakended human and his or her platform for sharing consciousness.Maya Zuckerman is the owner of Transmedia in San Francisco. www.MayaZucke... more
In part I, Giselle discusses galactic codes and the strong currents of light in the current ascension process. In part II, Giselle announces her new book, "The Codes of Immortality" and reads the entire book!With profound messages from Lord Maitreya, Master Kuthumi and St. Germain thie book contains the Secret Code... more
There is a new group of Conscious Content Creators that are changing the planet in great ways, one by one. How do we define this New Human Broadcaster? How are they circumventing the controlled outlets of media? What platforms are they using? What are the tools he or she needs to become bigger, brighter and better? Joi... more
Giselle Koy interviews her daughter, Lana Power, in an intimate discussion of family, love, trauma, gender issues, conscious community and radical tenderness.The modern concept of exponentiality is explored as a reality in the realms of healing the community, whether it be a traditional family or the family of man.... more
A beautiful message from St. Germain about the Holidays on ways to accelerate your ascension process as a Master on Earth. He offers a message of hope, love and kindess from the Ascended realms.Message received by Giselle KoyLink to music composed by St. Germain: more
Join Giselle as she discusses the Grand Opportunity of Soulgate 2015. Topics include the Galactic Wave, frequency acceleration, the calling for soul purification, a message from the spiritual hierarchy, the mechanics of ascension, new levels of ambassadorship and the heart centered power of the soul's true anchoring. A... more
Please join Giselle as she discusses current ascension observations. Topics include the white flame of ascension and how to bring it in to your life and your personal ascension process. Giselle also delivers information from the Temple of Ascension in Luxor, where Serapis Bey conducts an etheric school of ascension. ... more
What does sovereign health mean in the New Paradigm? Please join Giselle Koy and Dr. Kieren Kuydenall as they discuss such topics as perfect health, youthening, diet, health insurance, telemeres and many ways to take responsibility for your own optimal health. Kieren is a noted applied kinesioligist who works with appl... more
Giselle discusses where we are from an astrologicial point of view and shares her personal viewpoint during this opportune 5 month window of ascension. Topics include: What are we supposed to be creating? Why are we still clearing? Why is this 5 month period so important? What does soul sovereignty mean? Where am I on ... more
Giselle discusses where we are from an astrologicial and personal viewpoint during this opportune 5 month window of ascension. Topics include: What are we supposed to be creating? Why are we still clearing? Why is this 5 month period so important? What does soul sovereignty mean? Where am I on the ascension process? Wh... more
In this episode, Giselle walks us through 3 meditations to expand your consciousness and awareness. Rion then guides us through a full body meditation in which you practice running aroung the planet. All of these are designed to increase prosperity and abundance as well as increase your spiritual power here on Earth. E... more
In this episode, great news is shared about the birthing of our new financial system and the new Golden Race of Humanity. With Rion
In this episode, Giselle, Randy and Rion discuss evidence and ways or working with interdimensional beings. GoforitRandy has archived thousands of photos of these beings and shares his experience of this phenomenon in his life. Giselle works as a professional muse and galactic channel. Rion works as a planetary guard... more
Join your global family as we meet with our heavenly hosts and hear messages from "On High." Together we will bring in and co-create with angelic realms, ascended master realms and destiny guide teams and enter the Cosmic Heart at this exquisite time on [email protected]
Greetings! From the European Heart Chakra in Germany, an update on the acceleration of consciousness and the CROWNSHIP, with Giselle Koy and DeRouen. Tune in to the newest energies from the Golden Christed Ray and the Platinum Ray. For more information check out: and 12/12/14
This is an introduction to meditation and a beginning step in establishing a spiritual practice. This can be listened to on a nightly basis. Many blessings!! Love, Giselle Koy
Let's revisit the Oscars in 5D!Hollywood is changing. Off planet intelligence recognizes that this is where higher messages get broadcast through the masses and collective consciousness. We are already witnessing phenomena on film which is directly from Pleidian and Andromedan sources, such as some of the CGI (specia... more
Please join Giselle and interdimensional guide Sandra Walter as they discuss the status of our ascension and where we are individually in this process. Other topics include fine tuning our mission work, telepathy and teleportation. Sandra is a Wayshower, Ascension Guide and 5D Gatekeeper who serves the Light Intellig... more
Please join Giselle and interdimensional guide Sandra Walter as they discuss the status of our ascension and where we are individually in this process. Other topics include fine tuning our mission work, telepathy and teleportation. Sandra is a Wayshower, Ascension Guide and 5D Gatekeeper who serves the Light Intellig... more
Please join Giselle and Dr. Lynn Lawrence for a whole new appoach to finding the love of your life.Call in for a free love reading by Dr. Lynn Lawrence and find out what is in store for your love life!