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Instagram, the Self, and the City with Justus Uitermark

Instagram, the Self, and the City with Justus Uitermark

Released Thursday, 3rd February 2022
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Instagram, the Self, and the City with Justus Uitermark

Instagram, the Self, and the City with Justus Uitermark

Instagram, the Self, and the City with Justus Uitermark

Instagram, the Self, and the City with Justus Uitermark

Thursday, 3rd February 2022
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In this episode, we had drinks with Justus Uitermark at Cafe Droog, where we discussed the theories, methods, and work processes driving his and John Boy’s upcoming book: On Display: Instagram, the Self, and the City. Justus Uitermark is professor of Urban Geography at the Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences of the University of Amsterdam. He studies cities from a comparative and historical perspective, looking at how power relations are expressed in the built environment: which groups and interests prevail and which are pushed into the background?

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