God’s Property Radio is a podcast created with the intent to alert fellow Christians of the emerging New World Order and to allow non-believers to hear what The Bible's explanation for where we are now and where we are going. GPR is a place for seekers of Truth and Hope in Christ Jesus. While many other podcasts in this genre or sub-genres of this genre create a show where they do their own talk time and dig deep into pressing issues, Sam and Dan prefer to have guests on and learn from their stories and/or research. The key to gaining knowledge is asking the right questions and this is where GPR finds its niche; interviewing well-known, lesser-known and completely unknown individuals on a large variety of topics pertaining to the NWO and the impending Great Deception mentioned by Yashua in Matthew 24.Sam and Dan have found in their experience that The Church is almost opposed to talking about many of these issues while the scriptures clearly forewarn us all of a One World Government, a One World Religion, and a One World Currency all enforced by a One World Ruler. Again, the point of this podcast is not to be Paranoid but to be Prudent and to turn to our Savior, Jesus Christ. Sam and Dan’s perspectives also come from being fathers and husbands. GPR would like to also offer a platform to educate other families on how to stay proactive, healthy, keep out of debt, and remain stewards of God’s Word. Whether discussing False Flag Attacks, The Monetary System, Corporate Personhood, Political Conspiracies, Occult Symbolism, Nanotechnology, Trans-Humanism, UFO’s, Geo Engineering, Vaccines, Genetically Modified Organisms, De-Population, Zionism, Creationism, Homeschooling, Freemasonry, Ancient Pyramids, Babylonian Mystery Religions, The New Age Movement, The Nephilim, Demon Possession or Fascist Oligopolies, the story remains the same. Many try to twist God’s Word to fit their agenda and deceive others.Matthew 22:21 (KJV)They say unto him, Caesar’s. Then saith he unto them, Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar’s; AND UNTO GOD THE THINGS THAT ARE GOD'S.You are God’s Property! We are God’s Property! Welcome to God’s Property Radio!