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Graeme Easton's Playlist

Woosh Podcasts

Graeme Easton's Playlist

A weekly Sports podcast

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Graeme Easton's Playlist

Woosh Podcasts

Graeme Easton's Playlist

Graeme Easton's Playlist

Woosh Podcasts

Graeme Easton's Playlist

A weekly Sports podcast
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Graeme Easton is director of Woosh Entertainments Limited, in Edinburgh, Scotland. They have a podcast studio, 'The Wel' for businesses and clients to rent out. Woosh provide the kit, the space and can add production. Graeme hosts his own podcast. 'PlayList' where sports personalities choose the music that motivates them in their sport before they play/compete/train. They also choose a specialist musical topic in a fun quiz. Woosh Entertainments also provides commentating, announcing, music and event management at a huge variety of high profile Sports Events, Music Concerts, Awards Ceremonies and Corporate Events. ...More
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