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Bonus Episode 4: Monica

Bonus Episode 4: Monica

BonusReleased Tuesday, 16th June 2020
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Bonus Episode 4: Monica

Bonus Episode 4: Monica

Bonus Episode 4: Monica

Bonus Episode 4: Monica

BonusTuesday, 16th June 2020
Good episode? Give it some love!
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Taking place just before Bonus Episode 3 (sorry for being out of order, it couldn't be helped!) we see the events that took place when the mysterious visitor Monica met the Captain Grinfold and the Guild...

Where did Monica come from? What room did she appear in? What jealous thoughts does Lt Dan harbor? What do the odd statements of Cpl Mercer mean? Find out the answers to some of these questions in this bonus episode!

Join in the discussion on Discord, Reddit, Twitter, Facebook or via e-mail! We love talking to people, even if it's not about the podcast! Feel free to get in touch!

This episode was written by Tarran Merlo.

The part of Monica is performed by Georgia Mckenzie.

All other parts are performed by Tarran Merlo.

The Ostium theme song was composed by Chris Fletcher.

Music featured in this episode is: “Arcadia,” “Lightless Dawn,” “Lobby Time,” “Lord of the Land,” “Rites,” “Symmetry,” “Higher,” “Variation on Egmont,” “Verano Sensual,” and “Wholesome” all by Kevin MacLeod. And “Cellophane Sam” by Looking Back. All under a Creative Commons license.

For a link to a transcript of this episode please follow this link: https://ostiumpodcast.com/episode-50-guild-of-adventurers-transcript/.

Special thanks to our brilliant patrons: Gio; Andrew; Ryan, Evvie, Emma, Joseph, Vinny, Shosuro - and everyone else. Without you, we would not have the ability to have created this podcast. Check out our Patreon page where you too can support us!

Thanks for listening! ❤️

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