Doug Hagmann & Co-Host:Josh TolleyAmerica, and the world, is changing daily. The United States, specifically, appears lost in lawlessness, its spiritual and moral framework under constant and rabid assault. The headlines depict the disparity between the globalists, who seem to be above the law, and the average citizen, as in the case of the recent FBI clearance of Hillary Clinton. Most assuredly, we are living in volatile times, and the days ahead are likely to get much worse.What does one do in the face of such extreme lawlessness? Obviously, we must have our spiritual house in order. We must be physically prepared as well. But prepared for what? When? Is it possible to determine the game plan of the elite? If so, is there something we can do to not just survive, but perhaps even thrive under such conditions? Absolutely. But, we cannot give-in to failure or accept defeat. We cannot subjugate ourselves to tyranny, but chart a plan of action and work that plan. Enter Josh Tolley, author, speaker, nationally syndicated talk show host, and a real-life "MacGyver" with respect to life issues. He instructs people how to live without sacrificing our Christian values.Join Doug Hagmann and Josh Tolley for this episode as they lay out what exists ahead, and what we can do as the event horizon of chaos approaches.Show Website: http://www.HagmannAndHagmann.comNews./Information: http://www.HagmannReport.comFacebook:’s Facebook: