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Halfwits & Failed Crits

Halfwit Podcasts

Halfwits & Failed Crits

A Fiction, Games and Comedy podcast

 5 people rated this podcast
Halfwits & Failed Crits

Halfwit Podcasts

Halfwits & Failed Crits

Halfwits & Failed Crits

Halfwit Podcasts

Halfwits & Failed Crits

A Fiction, Games and Comedy podcast
 5 people rated this podcast
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Halfwits & Failed Crits Creators & Guests

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Voice Actor
As "Anya"
As "Bread"
As "Amelia"
As "Tantalus"
As "Kamala"
As "Veran"
As "Tuash"
Voice Actor
As "Nyxtern"
As "Kikoman"
As "Murphy"
As "Casey Nova"
As "Mohan"
As "Trom"
As "Cinis"
Voice Actor
As "Melara"
As "All Non Player Characters"
As "Lilith"
As "Madam N O S"
As "Astrid"
As "Mist"

Jonathan is the Producer of Halfwit Podcasts, including Halfwit History and Halfwits & Failed Crits. During his podcasting journey he also discovered a passion for Voice Acting, being cast in both podcasts and videogames, with goals of getting into animation as well.

Voice Actor
As "All Non Player Characters"
As "Mars"
As "Joaquin"
As "Bint"
As "All Non Player Characters"
As "Maxim"
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