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Happy Face Presents: Two Face

iHeartPodcasts iHeartRadio

Happy Face Presents: Two Face

A weekly True Crime and Society podcast featuring Melissa Moore and Lauren Bright Pacheco

 32 people rated this podcast
Happy Face Presents: Two Face

iHeartPodcasts iHeartRadio

Happy Face Presents: Two Face

Happy Face Presents: Two Face

iHeartPodcasts iHeartRadio

Happy Face Presents: Two Face

A weekly True Crime and Society podcast featuring Melissa Moore and Lauren Bright Pacheco
 32 people rated this podcast
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This was a really great limited-run true crime podcast. The catch is that it is the story not of a serial killer, but of his now-adult daughter. Wrenching.
A daughters recollection of her life growing up with her serial killer father filled with tears, revelations and peppered with first hand accounts from the killer himself.
What a low quality podcast. About 1/4 run time of each short episode was ads. The actual content of each episode was so sparse they could have condensed it into 5-10 minutes if they took out the music, but instead they padded it (and I mean REALLY padded it) with lengthy song breaks between sentences of dialogue. So frustrating.
This felt exploitative. Even the name of the podcast is about the killer, not the family.
Hearing the Dad talk about some of the things he did was creepy. Overall, a good podcast.
I read the Anne Rule book many years ago, but it wasn't until I listened to this podcast that I realized how misogynistic some aspects of the case and against Diane Downs were. comments from the report especially made me cringe. just because she liked men and had confidence in herself doesn't mean she killed her children. she was also judged for not having toys for the kids to play with. how is that relevant to the case? she had just moved there and was working. she was a working single mother who claimed she had been abused by both her father and husband. her brother brings up some really good points especially with regard to how badly she was shot and just how difficult it would have been to drive. also, judging how she behaved on video and in general does not seem relevant to the case. I'm tired of lazy prosecutors claiming someone is guilty because they didn't "act right" after the murder. people react to trauma and grief in a multitude of ways. our justice system relies too much on circumstantial evidence and not on real evidence.
Emotional and another view of a serial killer through a family member.
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