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Hazards of the Roll

Hazards of the Roll

A weekly podcast

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Hazards of the Roll

Hazards of the Roll

Hazards of the Roll

Hazards of the Roll

A weekly podcast
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Episodes of Hazards of the Roll

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May 19th, 2022
Hot on the trail of princess Milda, the party makes its way to Erie island! Tired from the storm and sea battle, a quick rest before setting out into seemingly uncharted territory. Things however are more complex on this island of the lost....what mysteries will unfold in this unique setting!Questions or comments? E...
May 12th, 2022
The battle on the boat rages...along side a storm on the sea! Questions or comments? Email us at [email protected] & music by Syrinscapewww.syrinscape.com/?att_hazards_of_the_rollBecause Epic Games Need Epic SoundComplete list of credits here: https://tinyurl.com/4klxzzq7(s...
May 5th, 2022
Bombs and boats! Never a good combination. But the journey to Erie Island must continue! Can Duuk handle to high seas? Is the ocean a place for a giant cat?! Is the seaweed necessary?!?! Find out in this weeks episode of our Vin'Tas Campaign!Questions or comments? Email us at [email protected]...
Apr 28th, 2022
Having dealt with the explosive rat, the party decides to take what few clues they have and report in to King Sandar. Convincing the King and Akost to allow them to continue searching, the crew heads back to the tower to continue the search....and wind up in another pickle!Questions or comments? Email us at Hazardso...
Apr 22nd, 2022
The search for princess Milda is only beginning! And the party finds some very strange clues. Is there a connections between the royalty and the blighted Black Rose organization???? Only time will tell!Questions or comments? Email us at [email protected] & music by Syrinscapew...
Apr 14th, 2022
While things in our personal lives are still up in the air, we are playing a "side" campaign! Aaaaaand with a different GM? In episode 0 we will meet the characters and learn a little of Vin'Tas.Questions or comments? Email us at [email protected] & music by Syrinscapewww.syri...
Apr 14th, 2022
The opening of what is sure to be a massively fun adventure! Come see Nala (Madison) Duuk (Thomas) and Arevir (Mack) get ready to take on a mercenary mission like no other. And maybe cleanse a little blight?Questions or comments? Email us at [email protected] & music by Syrinsc...
Feb 24th, 2022
We are back! To deal with the great Desert Wolf Helixia. And how will the party keep more Mirathisians from leaving to wander the desert? And is that Mirathis on the horizon?!?! Tune in to a very fun episode!Questions or comments? Email us at [email protected] & music ...
Feb 14th, 2022
A quick little public service announcement to all of our friends and fans
Feb 3rd, 2022
Bo'Rug Dunesmasher! Is gone, along with the hag Nixta who was controlling him and his camp. While some tensions have been relieved, more have arisen, and the party is one step closer to Mirathis and finding out what it means to be a follower of Illivar.Questions or comments? Email us at [email protected]...
Jan 27th, 2022
After days of break neck, near death fighting, things come to a head. Although things don't look great, sometimes all you need is a rock...Questions or comments? Email us at [email protected] & music by Syrinscapewww.syrinscape.com/?att_hazards_of_the_rollBecause E...
Jan 20th, 2022
Elora and Quinten utilize the goblins to create a diversion while they attempt to find and free Drax and Brendar. While they do find them, they've also stepped into another hairy situation! Will the Hag get the better of them this time?Questions or comments? Email us at [email protected]...
Jan 13th, 2022
Operation rescue! With half the group down and out, there is no choice but to infiltrate again. But will the party play it smart this time? Or are we lookin at the fabled TPK!!!! Questions or comments? Email us at [email protected] & music by Syrinscapewww.syrinscape...
Jan 6th, 2022
Still deep in the midst of combat, the party is literally fighting for their lives. But a new "player" enters the board to shake things up! Feel the terror, but don't look away, maybe everything will be ok?Questions or comments? Email us at [email protected] & music by...
Dec 23rd, 2021
Part 2 of our special episode 50! Clayton is back with some new friends and a twist! With a little change in their pockets and a new task to help them along their way they head out of the bustling crossroads town of Nantgarth. However when they rest at a much used rest area, though with looks like it hasn't been used i...
Dec 16th, 2021
A very special episode! And a 2 part-er so make sure to tune in next week for the JUICY second part! Although things start off dark, the dim light of hope shines steadily for some new friends, and an old friend? Questions or comments? Email us at [email protected] & mu...
Dec 9th, 2021
Back into the action with a hectic double battle, seeing the party split and thousands of feet apart. The party walks the razors edge of death as they try to get away from a battle they cant possibly win...but will they all make it out? Questions or comments? Email us at [email protected]...
Dec 2nd, 2021
Can beauty be found even in the deadly Vandur Desert? Well they do say its in the eye of the beholder! But the with the party split and the patrols getting closer, will they have time to enjoy the view? Find out in this nail biting episode!Questions or comments? Email us at [email protected]...
Nov 25th, 2021
With the daunting sight of Bo'rugs massive encampment in front of the party and their goblin retinue, Drax befriends one of the desert wolves to help with recon! With a lot more info about the layout and some of the workings of the encampment, they decide a night reconnaissance is in order. Elora and Quinten, the sneak...
Nov 24th, 2021
Kevin and Mack are back! With Recap of the Roll #7! We take a look at the episodes we missed and a deeper dive at 45 and 46. 
Nov 18th, 2021
The party mingles with the village of the Shenik tribe of desert goblins. Since they've agreed to help deal with the troll threat and to parley with Helixia, the goblins young and old take a liking to the group! But things look a little bleak as the crew, with 20 of the finest goblin warriors, rolls up to Bo'Rugs encam...
Nov 11th, 2021
Things are looking up for the party as they ingratiated themselves to the She'Nik tribe after dispatching the one and only Bo'Rug Dunesmasher! But all is not well as they are forced to face the abrupt departure of someone dear. But they must continue marching on...Questions or comments? Email us at Hazardsoftherol...
Nov 4th, 2021
A tentative agreement with the goblins after a harrying battle send the party into another tough fight with the one, the only...BO'RUG DUNE SMASHER!!!!! How will they fare against the leader of the Vandur Desert Trolls? Come find out!Questions or comments? Email us at [email protected]...
Oct 28th, 2021
Deep in combat with the sand goblins, things look dire with chained nat20s vs the party and a few nat1s from them. But in the end, does a common threat mean unlikely allies?Questions or comments? Email us at [email protected] & music by Syrinscapewww.syrinscape.com/?...
Oct 21st, 2021
Having left the safety of Marcue Tellivon's hut, the party continues toward the goblin camp. But the goblins came out to meet them! The ensuing battle becomes quite hectic, however it seems as if the goblins are trying to do more than just kill the group.Questions or comments? Email us at [email protected]...
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