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Living Your Life at Any Age with Fran Jessee, The Spice Lady

Living Your Life at Any Age with Fran Jessee, The Spice Lady

Released Tuesday, 18th April 2023
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Living Your Life at Any Age with Fran Jessee, The Spice Lady

Living Your Life at Any Age with Fran Jessee, The Spice Lady

Living Your Life at Any Age with Fran Jessee, The Spice Lady

Living Your Life at Any Age with Fran Jessee, The Spice Lady

Tuesday, 18th April 2023
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In this episode, my friend Fran Jessee, aka The Spice Lady, shares her vibrant entrepreneurial spirit with us. Fran started her company, Longevity Spice Blends, in 2014, when she was just 71 years old! Her energy and determination are examples for everyone, no matter your age! Find out how she came up with her Spice Lady Avatar – such a fun and interesting story! And learn about her extensive research into the benefits of herbs and spices.


If “How can I level up my business, relationships, focus, or even just life in general?" Is a question that crosses your mind – you’ve come to the right place. On High Frequency Mindset we’re going to unpack those questions and find the solutions that will launch you into action for rapid, concrete results. You can check out other ways to level up right here on my website.


About Fran Jessee: 

Fran Jessee is a spirited serial entrepreneur. One of Fran's passions is to network with like-minded men and women and take on new challenges for business and personal growth. Fran began Longevity Spice Blends in 2014 in her kitchen. Being health minded and using spices in her cooking vs chemicals and other possible toxic food flavor enhancers, she discovered how powerful the health benefits of spices were. Especially anti-inflammation spices. She ordered 12 different spices and then realized she didn’t want to open 12 packages every time she wanted to use them…so she blended them all together, and WOW! Now she had this huge bowl of wonderful aromatic spices! She decided to share them . . . giving them to friends . . . who said “I love these! I would love some more?”


That was all she needed to hear . . . and a new idea blossomed – Longevity Spice Blends became a reality with trade shows, and has evolved into 17 different healthy blends. Fran believes she can attribute her 77 years of staying healthy and vital to the original blend "Smoothie Spices", 34-organic spices blended for health benefits such as inflammation, detoxing, brain function etc. and "POW54!" - 54 spices and herbs blended specifically for staying healthy and boosting your immune system.


Longevity Spice Blends are for those looking to boost their immune system, remain vital and energetic and continuing maintenance of their health in this ever changing toxic world we live in today. With 15 different blends…. Full of Life Spices & Herbs in our Organic Power Spice Blends, we make it very easy to add a huge PUNCH of health benefits to your already busy life. Blended specifically with benefits for each of the 15 Blends. All spices are Vegan, Organic, Keto, Non-irradiated   ENJOY!!


How to Connect with Fran Jessee: 

Website: http://franthespicelady.com


Alignable: https://www.alignable.com/hemet-ca/fran-jessee?_stid=bd39a5be2265c42cbbbf16852b9d9fb69&page_index=0&page_num=0&page_size=10&query=fran+jessee

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/fran-jessee-23856772/

FB: https://www.facebook.com/franjessee1


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