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High Power Archery Podcast

Angel Garcia

High Power Archery Podcast

A weekly Education podcast

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High Power Archery Podcast

Angel Garcia

High Power Archery Podcast

High Power Archery Podcast

Angel Garcia

High Power Archery Podcast

A weekly Education podcast
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Episodes of High Power Archery Podcast

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Episode 58 is all about aiming. .  We've covered aiming in past episodes, but there's a missing element that most people overlook. And we will explore that one and hopefully give you an edget that will greatly improve your shot!As always be
Its been a while and we are back after an extended absence. Lots going on, but getting back on track with more episodes this week. We are going to start off with one that has been the subject of alot of student issues of late.Episode 57 is all
Episode 56 is all about avoiding the zombies.  No i'm not losing it, there really are zombies out there.  Well sort of.  In this episode we will delve into how to identify them, and more importantly, how to avoid being eaten by them.  Guess you
Episode 55 is all about the zombies!  Well sort of.   Lets just say you will have to listen to find out.  But we can use the "zombie experience" to help us become more efficient archers.  Stick with me on this one......I think you will understa
Episode 54 focuses on effective training.  Now training is part of learning.  But what most people don't realize is that if you aren't training effectively, you are just repeating something over and over again.  Which may, in fact, not help you
Episode 53 focuses on aligment.  This takes  yet another page out of my Nechronomicon Sagittariorum, the book of archery secrets.Alignment forms the basis of your archery form.  We will go into detail about how improper alignment can impact co
Episode 52 revolves around the three C's of Archery.  This takes a page out of my Nechronomicon Sagittariorum, the book of archery secrets.  The three C's are confidence, concentration and Command. We will explore each one and why they are so
Episode 51 is all about the secrets of mastering accuracy.  This takes a page out of my Nechronomicon Sagittariorum, the book of archery secrets.  More on that in the episode and in future YouTube Videos.  We will cover the secrets that are oft
Well i've finally made it back and am hoping to bring you more episodes on a regular basis.  I'll get into what's kept me away in another episode.  But what better way to get started again than with the help of a friend.  For Episode 50, we are
Episode 49 features our special guest Tracey Balowski of St. Joe River Bows. Tracey is not only the co-owner of this traditional bow company, she's also the principal bow maker or bowyer as they are known in the traditional world.  Tracey is th
Episode 48 focuses on just simple tuning basics.  We've done episodes on tuning in the past.  But in this episode we try to break it down into simple logic.  From how to set the exact center shot (no 13/16 is not the automatic go to all the tim
Episode 47 focuses on what we call the total release solution.  In this episode we cover how to make your release an extension of your body.  What to look for and how to set it all in motion for a controlled shot.  And while most would think th
Episode 46 focuses on bow sights and peeps.  We have discussed this before but we will get into what kind of sight is right for you and why.  And how the peep sight (there are many variations) fits into all of this. We will also cover how somet
Episode 45 is all about effective range.  its a topic we've discussed in the past, and normally it is usually directed towards bowhunters only.  But as you will find out, it also has a lot to do with target shooters.  We'll get into what its al
Episode 44 is a recording of our first Live Call in Show.  We had a few callers including Rob from the Off the Arrow Shelf Podcast, Richard from Archery Geek Outdoors and one of my listeners, Francis G. from Canada.  It was a great talk coverin
Episode 43 is about strength vs technique.  You can be as strong as an ox, but without proper technique, pulling back a 40 or 50lb bow could be really difficult.  It all boils down to technique.  We will go over my method when it comes to drawi
Episode 42 features our special guest Richard Clarke, host of the Archery Geek Outdoors Podcast.  Richard is based in the UK and we got together on this one to discuss various topics including what makes a good coach, hunting, archery shops, an
Episode 41 is all about blank bale shooting.  Preached as the only cure for target panic by most coaches, its really not what its cracked up to be.  In fact, used improperly, it can make things worse.  Its has its purpose but not necessarily in
Episode 40 is all about being too rigid when it comes to coaching form or a particular system.  What works for some will not work for everyone.  Sometimes coaches make their students bend and conform to a particular system just for the sake of
A short time ago, i decided that with so many things going on in my life, namely a divorce, serious health issues, and a few other things, it was no longer possible to keep the High Power Archery Operations going.  Between the podcast, coaching
Episode 38 is a very special episode indeed.  Often times people overlook the practical aspects of archery and life in general. It has to do with how you see things for their true worth and how we prioritize them.  There are gadgets and gimmick
Yes we're back after a two month absence.  Episode 37 is just a short one and covers our system for establishing proper arrow flight. Its the same for hunters and target shooters alike.  And its a basic simple method to achieve the best flight
Episode 36 of the High Power Archery Podcast is now available!  Episode 36 is just a short one and covers what to look for on your bow if you haven't shot it for a while (like after being locked down for this whole covid thing) and things are n
Yes we are back after a bit of a break.  Its been a tough road but we're still here.  We hope to get back to normal releases soon.Episode 35 is all about the struggles local archery clubs face.  Keeping membership, growing the sport and much m
Episode 34 is all about a new product we tested called the Adjustable Red Dot Bow sight.  We had the pleasure of speaking with the man behind the sight, Tim Zelenka.  Its a concept that has been tried before but Tim has found a way to make it w
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