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EP 225: MARRY, F*CK, KILL. let's play.

EP 225: MARRY, F*CK, KILL. let's play.

Released Thursday, 27th July 2017
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EP 225: MARRY, F*CK, KILL. let's play.

EP 225: MARRY, F*CK, KILL. let's play.

EP 225: MARRY, F*CK, KILL. let's play.

EP 225: MARRY, F*CK, KILL. let's play.

Thursday, 27th July 2017
Good episode? Give it some love!
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OHHHHH MANNN DO WE HAVE AN EPISODE FOR YOU. Yesterday was a DOOZY with our President, as are most days, so let’s today sit back and laugh. Ashli and Sarah compiled a list of famous people’s names and take turns pulling 3 at a time, deciding who they would Marry, who they would “know” biblically, and who they would Kill. A few notable names include: Arya Stark, Kim Kardashian and of course, Kurt. HOPE YOU ENJOY! Play along with us and let us know what you agree/disagree with. We love that stuff. Oh ya, and to any audience members who are trans, do not listen to this coward we have as a President. Many people stand with you, beside you, and will fight back with you to remind this administration that people are people. We love you. make sure to SUBSCRIBE TO OUR ITUNES CHANNELLL!!!! then leave us a review, comment, like, share, follow, tweet, instagram, facebook, etc. to help spread the word about your two favorite embarrassments.Please send any other suggestions/tips on how to adult at: [email protected]: @howtoadultpodcastTweet/Instagram Sarah: @thesarahyorkTweet/Instagram/Snapchat Ashli: @ashli_pFacebook: www.facebook.com/howtoadultpodcastdrink of the day: Amsterdam Vodka + club soda cause we classy boo – WITH AN ORANGE.
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