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How To Write A Tune

How To Write A Tune

How To Write A Tune

A weekly Music and Comedy podcast featuring Tony Gordon

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How To Write A Tune

How To Write A Tune

How To Write A Tune

How To Write A Tune

How To Write A Tune

How To Write A Tune

A weekly Music and Comedy podcast featuring Tony Gordon
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Starting out in 2015, Tony Produced and Co-Hosted one of the UK's biggest music podcasts of the time, How To Write A Tune.From there he went on to launch GLProUK later in 2015, one of the UK's first Podcast Production agencies, which has gone on to launch hundreds of new shows all over the world.Tony is now the Lead Producer on dozens of shows across the Corporate, Fashion, Industrial and Tech spaces, while still Hosting his own show, Bones Knows, and helping everyone from Hobbyists to Celebrities launch their show the right way for their audience.


Francis Edward "Frank" Turner is a punk and folk singer & songwriter.

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