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Human B Gon


Human B Gon

 15 people rated this podcast
Human B Gon


Human B Gon

Human B Gon


Human B Gon

 15 people rated this podcast
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Could this be any funnier? I’m always entertained on so many levels when I get to compare our lives with the lives of the characters, ahem, bots from this hilarious podcast. A great way to spend some time listening either on the couch or out in the garden making weeds be gone. I look forward to many more seasons.
Hilarious audio fiction, cant wait for the human „relocation“ adventures to unfold. 10/10 synthetic lifeforms would recommend this podcast!
high quality, intriguing
I think it's fantastic! Partly because I wrote it but also because I directed it. Highly recommend!
Amazing and being from Manitoba it’s extra Awesome
Every now and then a show really NAILS it's concept and blows you away. Human-B-Gon is that show.Everything from the acting to the sounds to the music really sells the reality TV feel of the show and absolutely cannot wait for more.
I sift through a lot of crap to find these diamonds.
Human B-Gon has a fun premise of a robot dominated world where humans are seen as pests. So advanced and sentient, these AI's have assumed all the vices of their former meat sack creators. This show in a mockumentary format follows a team of ethical human pest control robots, who are wonderfully voiced and make for instantly likeable characters. Awash with wordplay and parody, it’s a breezy cleverly written show that gives a fresh take to the workplace comedy. If you like Attention HellMart Shoppers, Brimstone Valley Mall, E0S10 or Mars Corp, you may want to add this one to the list.
I love how this show perfectly parodies the "slice of life" entertainment docu-drama format right down to the music and perspective shifts between the different characters. Hilarious and inventive.
It wasn't bad, just not for me. I couldn't get into the characters and comedy seemed a little forced at time.
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