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Ulf believes all people should be protected

Ulf believes all people should be protected

Released Wednesday, 21st August 2024
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Ulf believes all people should be protected

Ulf believes all people should be protected

Ulf believes all people should be protected

Ulf believes all people should be protected

Wednesday, 21st August 2024
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When Ulf accidentally found himself in the middle of the Kashmir Crisis in 1989, he was moved by the suffering of civilians affected by the conflict. Six years later, after trying his hand as a bike mechanic, wedding photographer and some time on a Viking ship, he resolved to study law and devote his life to protecting communities affected by crisis. 

Now a life-long humanitarian and protection expert, Ulf holds more than two decades’ experience across Europe, Asia, the Pacific and the Americas. He has worked with notable humanitarian organisations, including the Norwegian Refugee Council, the Australian and Swedish Red Cross societies, the International Federation of the Red Cross and, most recently, the AHA Centre in Indonesia.   

He is also a much-loved RedR Australia associate trainer, and in this episode he chats with Sally about the transformations he’s seen in RedR Australia’s training participants, what it takes to work in a conflict zone, and how, at the heart of protection work, there is the desire to ensure no one is forgotten, left behind or ‘disappeared’. 

You can find out more about RedR Australia’s training courses here.

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Read the transcript here.

Host: Sally Cunningham     

Guest: Ulf 

Producer, engineer and composer: Jill Farrar

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