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IWTK Mike Veny: Transforming Mental Health Stigma

IWTK Mike Veny: Transforming Mental Health Stigma

Released Wednesday, 5th April 2017
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IWTK Mike Veny: Transforming Mental Health Stigma

IWTK Mike Veny: Transforming Mental Health Stigma

IWTK Mike Veny: Transforming Mental Health Stigma

IWTK Mike Veny: Transforming Mental Health Stigma

Wednesday, 5th April 2017
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Mike Veny joins the I Want To Know podcast in an effort to help break the negative stigma behind mental health. Mike is not just another motivational speaker or Mr. Know-It-All; he struggles with mental health every day of his life. As a child he was in and out of psychiatric hospitals, expelled from multiple schools, was on numerous medications and even attempted suicide multiple times. Now he is a mental health speaker that has given a TEDx talk and uses his inside knowledge to help others understand. 

On the podcast, we talk about; Mike's struggle with mental health, anger issues and triggers, the dangers of self-medicating, different treatments he went through, what he does know to educate, mental health stigmas, his life as a musician and so much more.

Thanks to Mike for joining the show, you can find all of his contact information in the 'Guests' section if www.iwanttoknowshow.com.

Thanks to all the listeners for downloading, if you have any questions or suggestions for a topic email IWTK at [email protected].
Don't forget to like IWTK at www.facebook.com/iwanttoknowshow, follow the show on twitter @iwanttoknowshow and visit www.iwanttoknowshow.com for more info on the guests, episodes, host and much more.

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