I’m normally not a huge listener to music podcasts- don’t get me wrong- I LOVE music and think people should all around listen to more of it. The problem is, unlike some other mediums- music is such an incredibly personal thing to people. When people are talking music, certain things become abundantly clear- genre lines get drawn- flags get planted in the sand and folks mark out their specific fandom hills that they intend to make a stand on- and are quick to banish genres, styles, and artist who don’t make their cut outright. And it’s for this reason that Infectious Groove can transcend and rise above those “other” music podcasts I have had the opportunity to listen to. Their catholicity of taste, their understanding of music history, and their ability to compare apples to apples- while still understanding that each album, artist, genre they cover are wholly unique and worthy of review. Where else could you have a conversation that includes Garth Brooks, Eminem, Death Metal, Fleetwood Mac, Classic Rock, and Modern Jazz? Russell, Kyle, & Michelle are here to share their love of music…and they do just that with adroit efficiency and knowledge. If you are a music fan- you need* to be listening to the Infectious Groove Podcast. Keep up the fabulous work all.