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Instgram Research

Instgram Research

Released Saturday, 3rd October 2020
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Instgram Research

Instgram Research

Instgram Research

Instgram Research

Saturday, 3rd October 2020
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Hello, my name is Trent Bellotte. I’m a current student-athlete at Catawba college.

I would like to thank everyone tuned in on research on Instagram

This week we will be talking about the current generation of social media, but today we'll be talking about Instagram. Instagram is a viral social media platform that allows people to share and connect. Also, today we will have our guests join us. Trevor, why won’t you introduce yourself to the audience?


Starting off, we’re going to talk about the history of Instagram. Instagram began on October 6, 2010, and now in 2020, has one billion users worldwide. After only two years, it was bought by Facebook for one billion dollars. This application allows users to use the app safely by giving the option for users to have their account in private. This makes the user have to approve who can see and who can’t see their page. Instagram has recently added business, athletes, and celebrities have a verification note by their username. But for the business side it allows companies to post their products on social media and tagging their price to let the audience know.

Now, Trevor, I have questions for you about your personal usage of Instagram.

When did you start using Instagram?

How much time do you spend on Instagram every day?

Do you think you are addicted to Instagram?

How does Instagram affect your daily life?

That’s all we have for today for Instagram. I would like to thank everyone who listened to our discussion on Instagram. I hope everyone has a great day!

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