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Intimacy Cadre Podcast

Intimacy Cadre

Intimacy Cadre Podcast

A daily Society, Culture and Relationships podcast

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Intimacy Cadre Podcast

Intimacy Cadre

Intimacy Cadre Podcast

Intimacy Cadre Podcast

Intimacy Cadre

Intimacy Cadre Podcast

A daily Society, Culture and Relationships podcast
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May 1st, 2023
Heyyyyy listeners!! Are you ready for a poop-filled episode of cleanse talk? Yea, we did a liver cleanse AND we decided to talk about how it affected our intimacy. HA! Who actually podcasts about cleansing and intimacy?! We do!! Enjoy and thanks for listening! WARNING- this episode talks about all kinds of body functio...
Apr 23rd, 2023
HellO everyone! In THIS very intimate episode, Jim & I chat about how we feel we failed  by cancelling the Intimacy Playground Workshop (that sucks to admit) and what's next for us: invites. working with couples (singles or any variation) and how we want to BE in our community as a couple. Hope you enjoy this peek into...
Apr 13th, 2023
Oh, this episode! Jim and I are just back from a desert trip, I'm hot and irritated (and feeling a lil outta practice- ha!) and we're talking about relationships :) There are soooo many ways to be in relationship- the key is communication (surprise surprise!!) We also share how WE define (or rather DON'T define) our re...
Apr 4th, 2023
In Part 1 of this two episode podcast, we identified some of the ways we frame what's happening in our lives and relationships, and how this can sometimes cause problems for us. In this part, we continue the discussion and look for the origin of these stories, paying special attention to how we interpret our parents an...
Apr 3rd, 2023
In the first episode of this two-part podcast, Dee Elle and I have an intense conversation related to the lens through which we interpret the world, what we call in this episode "frames," and how they influence us. For example, Dee Elle talks about what triggers her into sometimes feeling she is trapped and needs to ru...
Apr 2nd, 2023
Heyyyyy listeners!!! It's been a minute. Jim and I are back talkin' bout sex in this episode. We explore touch: what feels good. what doesn't. and how it can constantly change! And sound: the power of it and how it can affect (or not affect) us. This is the cool book we refer to- it's super helpful :) Women's Anatomy o...
Mar 20th, 2023
On our 23rd episode, we look at dreaming.  No, not dreaming while asleep, but rather about our future - whether the future is that same day or many years down the line. We discuss the obstacles that keep us from dreaming as well as some practices to help us with it. We also discuss why exploring your desires is importa...
Mar 19th, 2023
This episode was inspired by a listener of our podcast who wanted us to comment on Zach Bush's appearance on "A Life of Greatness" podcast from February 6. Dee Elle and I talk about co-dependency in relationships, namely the idea of another person completing us.  We also talk about unconditional love and other related ...
Mar 14th, 2023
Heyyyyy ALL! In THIS episode, we talk all about CHakras (vs. SHakras ha!). Jim has all kinds of cool shit to say about this topic- from Dance to Moving Energy to Sexual Magic. 
Mar 13th, 2023
Why are there so many fucking buzzkills? We don't have answers, mostly a lot of questions and a lot of scenarios that come up for us in sex. Can you relate? Dee Elle and I talk about some of the things that come up, why they come up, and why communication about sex is necessary despite all the risks involved. (And if y...
Mar 5th, 2023
https://intimacycadre.org/intimacy-playground-may-5-7-faq/Hey everyone, it's been a little while, but we have some exciting news. We have all the information on our Intimacy Playground Weekend Workshop May 5-7, 2023, at Boulder Hot Springs in Boulder, Montana up on our website. We think this is an amazing opportunity t...
Feb 28th, 2023
Hey Listeners! Yep, you guessed it- Jim goes down on me. And we tell you ALL about it. There's a lot of good info in here- for both men AND women. EnJOY! (We mention a recording called Crygasm, if you want more background).
Feb 26th, 2023
Hey Listeners! Got insecurities? We sure do. Join Jim & I for a convo about this uncomfortable topic. May it shine light on the yet another way to practice intimacy in your relationship(s).  
Feb 23rd, 2023
It's one of those rando episodes, but this is a good one! Just before recording, we siloed ourselves in different parts of the room and each came up with three questions on intimacy-related themes. Topics include the difference between love and being in love, how far we have to go on our sexual journey, advice on where...
Feb 21st, 2023
Hey ALL! In today's episode,  Jim and I are talking about the REboot world and how it applies to Intimacy. What the F is a REboot and why do we feel it's a fab fit for our community? 
Feb 20th, 2023
We spend so much time focused on what goes wrong in our intimacy – as we must – but what does it look like when it goes right?  Dee Elle and I (Jim) share what it looks like when our intimacy so often works.  Intimacy can grow through both challenge and celebration.
Feb 19th, 2023
Hey Listeners!!! Today Jim & I talk about a SUPER hard (or not hard) topic- Erectile Dysfunction. Yikes. We talk about some of the potential reasons a man may experience this and how emotionally difficult it can be (which only feeds the issue). Shout out to Jim for being willing to open the convo. We haven't yet figure...
Feb 17th, 2023
Hey everyone, Dee Elle here. In this episode, I share about my breathwork workshop experience from last night. It is very animated and quite the wild ride of feels and energy. The power of the breath is AMAZING! And movement + breath + sound = all kinds of possibilities. Listen to what happens when I open to my breath,...
Feb 15th, 2023
Sooooo, it's Valentine's Day, but both of us were in Pooptown. Dee Elle and I talk about her aversion to holidays, including this one. This leads us to a deeper discussion on how to navigate relationship when one of us is feeling badly. It is both challenging and yet an opportunity to really deeply see and know the oth...
Feb 14th, 2023
ToDAY's episode is about IN-jackulation!!! What on earth is THAT?!! Yes, listeners- men can have more than one kind of orgasm! We love testing all kinds of things in our intimacy lab and are excited to share it all with you. INjoy :) 
Feb 9th, 2023
Here we are again!! Jim & I have committed to recording every time we are together this month. It's not always easy. AND we've committed to NOT being sound snobs – otherwise we'd never publish anything. Ha! That's MY self conscious, sound-like-I'm-in-a-cave review of today's sesh. The content, however, is such a fav to...
Feb 8th, 2023
Consent. What does that even mean?!!!! Join us for another intimate convo as we begin to scratch the surface on this important (and often misunderstood and/or over trend-ized) topic. How often do you say "yes" when you actually mean "no"? There are so many layers and levels of this conversation, and consent is woven in...
Feb 6th, 2023
We're baaa-aaack! Today, we chat about one of Jim's fav topics – Dance! What has happened to dance? Where has it gone? Are we afraid? Along with Breath and Sound,  Movement (and Dance!) is one of the keys that can open the door to Intimacy. How do YOU feel about Dance & Dancing? Does your body feel free? Open? If you'r...
Feb 5th, 2023
On our 18-month anniversary, we do a grab bag (testicles?) episode where we follow up on topics from our earlier episodes, including Jim's prostate and Dee Elle's poem on sexual energy.  We each ask the other an spontaneous question about intimacy.  And we are happy to announce our new website!  Check out https://intim...
Feb 4th, 2023
We will revisit the topic of sexual energy repeatedly, but this is our first Intimacy Cadre podcast on this endlessly juicy supmin' sumpin'! In this episode, we introduce what we mean by sexual energy – how it originates in our sexual organs but is far more expansive and creative. Dee Elle talks about a recent experien...
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