I talk about my future of working - and the best job I ever had. https://anchor.fm/daves-disney-view/episodes/Show-11---My-CastMember-experience-part-1-e3lmkmhttps://anchor.fm/daves-disney-view/episo
We changed clocks - again! The whole thing is so dumb and yet we need an act of congress to make a change to the status quo....and they are much too busy doing nothing (and fighting among themselves) to be worried about such things.
In the show I say that Devo maybe was “punk” which they clearly were not. But they embodied the essence of punk - anti establishment ideals. I think a better name is “new age”
Sometimes plans change. Instead of an audio series, I am switching to a YouTube series. Daves Tech stories can be found here. https://youtube.com/channel/UCfquv-N6c7fxJRcgQbkMkgQ
On this podcast, I talk about surveys and their results. What makes a good survey? What do results mean? In a day where many hot topics are driven by survey results, it’s important to understand what you’re seeing and understand what it means.
I take a look at the effect, and share some findings on the topic. The article I reference is here: https://hackaday.com/2022/07/02/does-hot-water-freeze-faster-than-cold-debate-continues-over-the-mpemba-effect/
Back in 1987 (yes 35 years ago!) Sagan gave a talk to the ACLU about the science, civil liberties, and democracy. The source is this: https://quillette.com/2022/07/01/science-and-civil-liberties-the-lost-lecture-of-carl-sagan/amp/
I talk about the joy of inventing something and the patent process. I talk about the three people who influenced me and helped get me to think critically.