As the CEO of Menlo Innovations, Richard Sheridan has plenty of experience of doing things in a completely different way. From challenging the very idea of what a “boss” is to undoing all of the preconceptions that we have around how an organization is supposed to run. He’s been so successful in his approach that he wr... more
Erwin van Waeleghem is the police commissioner for the city of Leuven in Belgium. He is a ‘Tealspirator’, international Teal for Teal-steward and instigator of several initiatives towards more people centric and essential values based Leadership. Erwin believes that empowering police departments through democratic mana... more
Isaac Getz is a speaker, professor, and author who has written extensively about liberating companies - organizations who are freeing their workers to do something completely new and different. He has talked with CEOs from the largest French companies and has found that, at least in France, there is a growing acceptanc... more
Jos de Blok is the co-founder of Buurtzorg - a Dutch health care company with over 9,000 nurses who work with homebound clients or people who need assistance. The company has seen tremendous growth in the last 10 years and, of course, the nurses are all self-managed. Perhaps this level of trust is due to the fact that ... more
Jurgen Appelo is somebody who is ahead of the curve when it comes to management. He has an approach that he calls Management 3.0 and he’s using it as his company, Happy Melly. Jurgen has a history of trying to reconfigure the way that people look at organizations and how they put all of the pieces together. He’s really... more
David Burkus is a professor at Oral Roberts University and is author of The Myths of Creativity: The Truth About How Innovative Companies and People Generate Great Ideas. He also has a new book called Under New Management. His goal is to poke around for which innovations exist only in people’s minds and which ones ac... more
Tony Hsieh is unlike many CEOs out there. As the CEO of Zappos, Tony has highlighted his passion for employee self-management through his implementation of a holacracy model. It has a very stiff learning curve, but Tony has spent considerable time thinking through the positives and potential pitfalls. In this episode, ... more
Frederic Laloux is the author of Reinventing Organizations. He’s spent many years trying to find out what modern, forward-thinking organizations share in common. In order to keep everything organized, Frederic has come up with a system where he labels businesses with different colors: green, orange, or teal (which repr... more
Leading Wisely is about applying true wisdom and insight into our businesses and lives. Jason Fried and David Heinemeier Hansson have worked to disrupt the old dinosaur business models with their project management platform, Basecamp. Listen as Jason and DHH talk about how they grew Basecamp and what challenges they se... more
Leading Wisely is about applying true wisdom and insight into our businesses and lives. Jason Fried and David Heinemeier Hansson have worked to disrupt the old dinosaur business models with their project management platform, Basecamp. Listen as Jason and DHH talk about how they grew Basecamp and what challenges they se... more