This week we are answering the question about Saturn in Aries returning to 8th house Books quoted: Saturn in Transit, Boundaries of Mind, Body and Soul, Erin Sullivan The Only Way to Learn About Tomorrow, Marion D March The House Connection, Karen Hamaker-Zondag https://... more
This week I am attempting to cover the natal chart of Mark Zuckerberg Bernie Sanders speech transcript Mark Zuckerberg natal Guestimate birth time 8pm (NOT accurate) ... more
Big Thank you to 'Wendy' for volunteering her chart. This week I am answering 'Wendy's' question: "I have wondered whether having Pluto in my first house makes me think often about death and matters relating to death. I don't necessarily think about death in a negative or morbid way but I do feel I'm more aware of dea... more
This week we are covering the Astro charts of important events and how to choose the best time for that event. Here is the link to Vivian's book *The Modern Text Book of Astrology *As an Amazo... more
Similar but not the Same This week we are covering the synergy between each Ascendant sign (Aries through Pisces) and its corresponding house number (First through Twelfth), highlighting how their aligned energies shape identity, values, communication, home, creativity, service, relationships, transformation, explorati... more
This week we are covering a specific placement: When the Moon lands in the 6th house Download my cheatsheet here Adele Cancer Asc, Sun Taurus in 11th, Moon in Sagittarius in 6th Crystal Bowersox Libra Asc, Sun Leo in 11th, Moon in Pisces in 6th Oscar Pistorius Aquarius Asc... more
This week I am chatting with Alison Boulton who was born in the U.K but now lives and practices in southern France where she's have been living for more than 20 years. Alison has been practising astrology for 30+ years and holds the Advanced Diploma from the Faculty of Astrological Studies in London https://www.astrol... more
This week we are working with the natal chart of John Gray author of the best selling Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus 20th Anniversary edition Amazon affliate link References Harper Collins time-line more
This week is about Practice Management Donna Cunningham's The Consulting Astrologer's Guidebook Amazon affliate link Transit Rhythmogram showing Three swipes/passes of Pluto conjuncting exactly natal Mercury Three swipes/passes of Saturn square to Ascendant Coming up five nice/helpful trines f... more
This week we are covering the natal chart of singer Katy Perry and how her generation will have the present Pluto-in-Aquarius transit affect their charts. Also covering Orlando Bloom and their daughter Daisy Dove Bloom Katy Perry natal with transits 15th Dec 2024 Scorpio Asc, Sun Scorpio in 12th, Moon Scorpio in 1st ... more
This week I am covering a real historial event that connects my family history with the poet Shelley. Thank you to my nephew for finding the connection...not that it's a happy one! more
This week I am covering a new bill going through Parliament to make it 'easier/legal' to kill yourself "if you're terminally ill with 6 months or less to live." The actual bill Soul Midwife Learning Care not... more
This week we are chatting with Caitriona a beautiful Astrologer who lives and works in the beautiful part of Ireland called Co. Kerry. She lets us know how she got into Astrology and her journey to where she is today:) Her Instagram Her YouTube more
This week we are covering Moon in the 10th house of career. Books mentioned: Astrology for Dummies Managing your Health & Wellness The Modern Text Book of Astrology As an Amazon Associate, I earn commission from qualifying purchases. Grayson Perry ... more
It is possible to create an Astro chart without using ANY house system Today's episode demonstrates how to do that... Milton Erickson With transits for polio Second polio Relocates Dies Billie Piper natal and transits for first single successful release Threatening phone calls /stalking starts Court Hearing
This week we are looking at Uranus in Gemini in 2025 and three charts Sun conjunct Uranus Also the charts of UK and USA Information on my new Painted Lady butterfly remedy: Cosmos and Psyche by Richard Tarnas more This week I am talking about this particular diary that I think is absolutely fab:) Link is above. These are the two people who formed the company and developed it. No accurate birth dates Year they started the diary/calendar Tina Ceri 2004 transits Date company formed
This week I am covering the history of Electro Convulsive Therapy : ECT These are the Astro charts of the two 'founders' that contributed towards this 'treatment' being developed. Ladislas J. Meduna no birth time, using Whole Sign houses and 6am birth time Sun Aries, Moon Virgo Date of his first 'experiment' on a livi... more
This week we are covering the Astro chart of someone who says they want to 'express their opinion' I think they're under a stressful Uranus transits. YouTube talking about "Cancel Culture" on Dr Phil show Her YouTube Channel Check o... more
This week we are covering Oppositions Think of this table when considering oppositions... Pete Rugolo Gemini Asc, Sun Capricorn in 7th, Moon Leo, Venus in Capricorn Sun opp Pluto, Moon opp Uranus, Venus opp Neptune (out of sign) Jan Solberg Leo Asc, Sun Capricorn, Moon Virgo, Venus Aquarius Sun opp Pluto, Moon opp... more
Remember to ping me an email or find me on instagram to sign-up for my Houses Webinar on Friday 27th September. The video will be uploaded to my under Webinars This week we are covering the vocational houses: 2nd, 6th and 10th with big tha... more
Were you born under a lucky Star? Where's Jupiter in your Astro chart? Dean Radin Real Magic Links mentioned: Kelli Fox old site Kelli old youtube Kelli new ... more
This week we are working with three 'live,real' Astro charts. Big Thanks to 'Lydia' for asking the questions and sharing her Astro charts You can sign up to my Houses Webinar on this link Art Teacher Job Offer Gemi... more
This week we are covering how teeny weeny the Earth is compared to outer space This photo was taken by Voyager One 14th February 1990 Photo of Pale Blue Dot Carl Sagan natal Taurus Asc, Sun Scorpio 6th house, Moon Sagittarius 7th Date/time Pale Blue Dot taken using local Texas time Syanstry of time photo... more