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Becoming Beloved with Sarah Kroger

Becoming Beloved with Sarah Kroger

Released Tuesday, 4th April 2023
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Becoming Beloved with Sarah Kroger

Becoming Beloved with Sarah Kroger

Becoming Beloved with Sarah Kroger

Becoming Beloved with Sarah Kroger

Tuesday, 4th April 2023
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How can we learn to love ourselves and treat ourselves more kindly? How can we stop our negative self-talk and start to value our unique qualities and gifts?

In today’s episode, I explore these questions with Nashville-based singer, songwriter, and Christian worship leader Sarah Kroger. We talk about faith, self-love, and self-acceptance, and Sarah shares the story behind her beautiful song Belovedness, which reminds us that we are all lovable, precious, and perfect just as we are. 

Learn more about Sarah:

Website: sarahkroger.com

Instagram: @skroger

YouTube: youtube.com/c/SarahKrogerOfficial

Spotify: spotify.com/artist/22cW8LmhiJAWAaFd0cfEbH?si=zSxIBrvxSN2D0cOSY38AqQ&nd=1

Connect with Keith:

Website: keithmacpherson.ca

Instagram: @keithmmac

YouTube: youtube.com/user/keithmmac


Recommended Books:

Dark Nights of the Soul: amazon.com/Dark-Nights-Soul-Finding-Through/dp/1592401333

Life of the Beloved: amazon.com/Life-Beloved-Spiritual-Living-Secular/dp/0824519868

The Return of the Prodigal Son: amazon.com/Return-Prodigal-Son-Story-Homecoming/dp/0385473079

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