What does success look like? How can we live life to the fullest, remain true to ourselves and be kind to others?These are some of the questions I ask my friend, Ned Grossman, author of How to Succeed in Life: Ideas and Principles They Don’t Teach in School. Ned is wise, witty, and committed to keeping things simple ... more
How can we learn to love ourselves and treat ourselves more kindly? How can we stop our negative self-talk and start to value our unique qualities and gifts?In today’s episode, I explore these questions with Nashville-based singer, songwriter, and Christian worship leader Sarah Kroger. We talk about faith, self-love,... more
What does it feel like to come home to yourself?How can you access your soul’s inner strength and live life with more compassion, grace, and joy?These are the questions I explore with my guest Dr. Melissa Moore, the co-founder of Karuna Training and author of The Diamonds Within Us: Uncovering Brilliant Sanity Throug... more
What does it mean to walk deep? And why does connecting with Nature, Self, and Spirit make us feel happier, healthier, and more fulfilled?These are some of the issues I explore with my guest Abigail Prout, who wrote her first anthology of poetry, Walk Deep, during the Covid pandemic. In that time of enforced isolation... more
What does it mean to be mindful? Does mindfulness always need to involve sitting in silence and concentrating on our breath, or can we find more creative ways to practise mindfulness that are better suited to our personalities and lifestyles? Today, I explore the topic of creative mindfulness with coach and singer/song... more
Welcome to the new season of Let’s Connect, where I reflect on the lessons I’ve learned from living through the pandemic and share some of the tools I’ve been using to help navigate these strange and challenging times.In this first episode, I dive into mindfulness and creative leadership and suggest practical ways to ... more
A solo episode of Let’s Connect is a real test of my confidence. Will I be good enough to carry the show? Will people like it? Is everyone laughing at me right now?How many times a day do you wonder if you measure up, or worse, convince yourself that you’re a total failure?The invitation in today’s episode is to st... more
Why do some people heal, while others don’t? Why are some of us content with just a little, while others can never be satisfied, no matter how much they get out of life?My guest today on Let’s Connect is someone I fondly call my ginger sister, Bonnie Schroeder, a healing practitioner who has traveled five continents ... more
With Christmas just a few days away, I wanted to offer a gift from my heart to yours.This time of year, we have an opportunity to reflect on forgiveness and peace. As we’re all staying home, some of us suffering old hurts and new loss, I’m reminded that our souls - everyone’s souls - just need to breathe.We need to... more
What do you get when you put two professional life coaches and authors behind the mic at the same time? A provocative and inspiring conversation!As this episode of Let’s Connect begins, I burst at the seams in my excitement to announce a number of new projects that have been simmering on my creative stove for many mo... more
Right now, we’re all being brought together by something we don’t want to have in our lives.As we all navigate COVID-19, our individual experiences are unique. There are children learning from home while their parents try to juggle work and homeschooling at the same time. There are countless people who’ve lost their ... more
No one is you and THAT is your superpower.But how can you embrace your unique design when life’s experiences and relationships push you into self-doubt and fear of making bad decisions?In 1987, a Montréaler named Ra Uru Hu had a week-long mystical experience that birthed the Human Design System, which has been taug... more
Are toxic people who refuse to respect your boundaries showing up in your face and stealing your peace?We’ve all been there. Maybe your mother-in-law tells you how to live your life. Maybe a partner or coworker keeps hurling hurtful words at you.Or maybe, you’re noticing a pattern with troublemakers who are inexpli... more
Behind all the headlines are journalists who try to bring meaningful stories to life.In a world where it’s becoming harder and harder to know what’s real in the news, this episode of Let’s Connect is a chance to hear first-hand from a storyteller toiling in the trenches who works every day to separate facts from fict... more
We’re living in a time where it’s becoming more and more difficult to discern what’s real and what’s a racket.The social networking systems we’re being informed by are feeding us a steady stream of content that complex algorithms have decided is what we’re craving. Perhaps most concerning is that so many of us are ju... more
“Can I speak with you in private?”These are the chilling words that 24-year-old fitness trainer Matthew Ode heard from his doctor, before finding out that his body was being consumed by cancer.Matthew went into a coma. His organs started shutting down.Then he had a heart attack.It was looking dire. But he chose to... more
As I sat down to record this particular episode of the podcast, I had a major internal battle with myself. I was trying to be “perfect” and appear to have things all together, when inside of me, something just didn’t feel right!After 24 hours of struggling to get this podcast recorded, I finally came to understand wh... more
Mental health is now a subject of open discussion, a dramatic change in the perception of what used to be an extremely sensitive topic.I have always been interested in the subject, especially as I learn to take care of my own mental health through meditation.In this episode, my goal is to find out as much as I can ... more
How will you practice gratitude if you are facing a $30,000 house repair?This was Keith Macpherson’s personal experience when he was challenged to practice gratitude in his most challenging times, just like facing a $30,000 bill to repair his house in Canada.Keith lives in Winnipeg, Canada, and it's quite common for... more
In this episode, I’m joined by Kat Trimarco, a spiritual quantum teacher, life-coach, published author and public speaker. Kat Trimarco is an Evolutionary Thought Leader, Spiritual Quantum Teacher & Life Coach, published author & speaker.She teaches people to understand and work with Universal Laws, their thoughts, em... more
In this solo podcast episode, Keith shares his perspective on the powerful practice of forgiveness and speaks about a Mark Twain quote that deeply inspired him, "Forgiveness is the fragrance that the violet sheds on the heel that crushed it". Macpherson explains, If we want to be free, we must learn how to practice for... more
In today’s show, Keith catches up with his friend, singer-songwriter Hayley Gene Penner. Hayley talks about growing up with a famous father, starting out in the music industry, and moving to California, where she underwent a six-year ‘boot camp’ immersion in L.A life. She describes the sense of emotional freedom she ex... more
In this this episode, Keith talks about Vulnerability. He purposely has no guests today on the show and instead takes a personal deep dive into today’s topic.For those who are regular listeners, every second week of the month for this point forward, Keith will be doing this Q and A format and answer your questions alo... more
In this week's episode, Keith has a powerful conversation with Victor McGuire, the founder and executive director of Coaching for Everyone, a new nonprofit startup whose mission is to make professional coaching services accessible to underserved and underrepresented groups. The nonprofit will focus on providing coachin... more
In today's episode, Keith is joined by Jessica Hendrick, a certified conscious relationship coach. Jessica assists clients who are experiencing challenges in their relationship by making them aware that, sometimes, their persistent relationship problems are not caused by external factors, but actually, they are the res... more