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2. Mental Health After A Cancer Diagnosis

2. Mental Health After A Cancer Diagnosis

Released Wednesday, 20th April 2022
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2. Mental Health After A Cancer Diagnosis

2. Mental Health After A Cancer Diagnosis

2. Mental Health After A Cancer Diagnosis

2. Mental Health After A Cancer Diagnosis

Wednesday, 20th April 2022
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In this episode Jacci talks with her son Karl about her recent diagnosis of stage 3 Ovarian Cancer and how it has impacted on the family. 

How having a positive mindset can really help with navigating the news and coming to terms with learning to live with cancer.

Jacci is a Psychotherapist who specialises in helping families, parents, and individuals better understand how their thoughts impact their reality, and in doing so helps change those thoughts to create a better reality.

Jacci now runs a private membership club Living Life Being Human: https://livinglifebeinghuman.com

With over 30 years of experience in helping people, Jacci has tremendous wisdom to share to help anyone struggling better manage their anxiety, with some of the key points being;

• Understanding how our thoughts shape our reality and how we can better manage this through curiosity

• Parenting and how to better communicate our feelings

• Allowing yourself to be human

• https://livinglifebeinghuman.com/register/

• Website: https://jaccijones.co.uk/free-resources/

• Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jaccijonesco...

• Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jaccijonesc...

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