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A Better Holy Grail - Katharina Kopp and Jason Dennie

A Better Holy Grail - Katharina Kopp and Jason Dennie

Released Monday, 30th April 2018
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A Better Holy Grail - Katharina Kopp and Jason Dennie

A Better Holy Grail - Katharina Kopp and Jason Dennie

A Better Holy Grail - Katharina Kopp and Jason Dennie

A Better Holy Grail - Katharina Kopp and Jason Dennie

Monday, 30th April 2018
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Katharina Kopp, Policy Director at the Center for Digital Democracy, and Jason Dennie, SVP of Ad Theorent, talk in-depth about the promise and the limits of big data. What does the GDPR mean for marketers and consumers? What can we learn from Cambridge Analytica and the breach of Facebook data? How can we use data to achieve greater equality, rather than inequality? And Jason presents the case for better marketing through machine learning, rather than demographic segmentation.

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