That's right! We're here to make quarantine fun! No time like the present we say! We have Disney+, Google Hangouts and all the empty calories we need to bunker down for a few weeks. Welcome to Messy Bun Girls. We're glad you're here!
Ever look at old pictures of yourself (or your mom!) and think, "what were you thinking?" This week is like that but us. And not back then, but now. Ladies? What were we thinking?
Sometimes motherhood is not glamorous. Sometimes it's not even what we signed up for and you know what? We keep on going. Welcome to episode 97, we're glad you're here.
It's probably not what you think. Yeah, we throw in some of that typical stuff and our favorites. But, really, at the end of the day, what makes you beautiful?
Welcome to Season 3! We have a lot of things to announce for the coming year. And also, our personal hopes and goals for the new year. And maybe a few other fun things thrown in there too. Glad to see you again and happy new year!
Continuing on with our Advent adventure...see what I did there? We're right smack dab in between lighting the Peace candle and the Joy candle. So, we're doing both! How will you find joy and peace this season?
Advent is full of so many fun traditions! We hope that this episode will help you discover, remember or find those traditions for your own family this season! Happy Advent, everyone!
Thanksgiving always brings gratitude to the forefront for us. We hope it does for you too. Take the time this week to say out loud all the things you're thankful for!
Meet Jamie! She has a pretty amazing story of adopting their son Charlie. Even if you're not an adoptive family or you're looking into it, this episode is for you!
Believe it or not, your words matter. And you would never allow someone to talk about your children the way you talk about yourself. This week's episode is all about the lies we tell ourselves and a few suggestions as to how to change that.
So, for this week we took different personality tests and the results were...well, interesting. Who wants to find out which Disney princess we are?! Stay tuned!
Interested in becoming a foster care family? Not so much, but want to know more about it? This episode is for you either way! Meet Sarah. She's a Foster Mom Super Woman with stories to help us all understand the great need that's out there and ways for you to help.
This week is all about our weddings in honor of Lauren's 13th wedding anniversary. We talk good, we talk bad, we talk dove releases. Welcome to our story.
There are so many "best" ways to parent your children out there. We're here to call out the lies. This week is all about the lies we were told before becoming moms and the truths we know now.
Whether or not you rest as a matter of your religious beliefs or not, it's important. This episode is all about the importance of finding a regular day off and what it means to you and your family.
"Am I big or am I little?" "Am I a kid? Or am I a mommy?" These are just the simple questions our guest uses to connect to the kids she interacts with. This week, Jen Kendall gives us tools and language to help teach our kids how to interact with someone different.
The kingdom of Heaven is like a treasure hidden in a field...What's your treasure? And what will it cost you? Today's episode is all about purpose, drive and what is worth living for.